This repository contains the isopach shapefiles used for the paper titled The Millennium Eruption of Changbaishan Tianchi Volcano is VEI 6, not 7. Link to the paper:
Contact: Qingyuan Yang ( Please refer to the paper given above for more details on the origins of the isopachs
The isopachs were provided as supplementary material together with the paper, but the files are broken (possibly due to post-processing) and we cannot modify them. The isopachs are hence put here again.
There are four sets of isopachs in this repository.
HornSchmincke00: digitized from Horn and Schmincke (2000), B-Tm ash isopachs
Liu98: digitized from Liu (1998), Proximal ash isopachs
tephra_atlas: digitized from Machida (2003), B-Tm ash isopachs
added_iso contains two isopachs,
a. inferred_1mm_iso: constructed in Yang et al, 2021, inferred 1 mm isopach of the B-Tm ash
b. isopach: constructed in Yang et al, 2021, isopachs completed in Yang et al, 2021, based on original isopachs of Machida (2003)