Library for working with SEO parameters of models
The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.
Either run
php composer.phar require --prefer-dist yiier/yii2-seo "*"
or add
"yiier/yii2-seo": "*"
to the require section of your composer.json
change your config file
return [
'components' => [
'view' => [
'as seo' => [
'class' => 'yiier\seo\SeoViewBehavior',
'names' => [
'keywords' => 'blog,forecho',
'author' => getenv('APP_NAME'),
'properties' => [
'property' => ['title', 'og:title'],
'content' => function () {
return ' tag1, tag2';
'title1' => 'title'
In model file add seo model behavior:
public function behaviors()
return [
'seo' => [
'class' => 'yiier\seo\SeoModelBehavior',
'names' => [
'viewport' => function (self $model) {
return $model->title . ', tag1, tag2';
'keywords' => 'blog,forecho',
'author' => 'author', // model field
'properties' => [
'property' => ['title', 'og:title'],
'content' => function (self $model) {
return $model->title . ', tag1, tag2';
'title1' => 'title',
'property' => 'description',
'content' => function (self $model) {
return $model->title . ', tag1, tag2';
PHPdoc for model:
* @property \yiier\seo\SeoModelBehavior $seoBehavior
* @method \yiier\seo\SeoModelBehavior getSeoBehavior()
Change /frontend/views/layouts/main.php
/* @var $this \yii\web\View|\yiier\seo\SeoViewBehavior */
<!-- Replace default <title> tag -->
<title><?= Html::encode($this->title) ?></title>
<!-- by this line: -->
<?php $this->renderMetaTags(); ?>
In "view.php" file for model:
// set SEO:meta data for current page
or in controller:
Simple url rules example in '/frontend/config/main.php':
'urlManager' => [
'enablePrettyUrl' => true,
'showScriptName' => false,
'rules' => [
'<controller:\w+>/<action:\w+>/<id:\d+>' => '<controller>/<action>',
'<module>/<controller:\w+>/<action:\w+>/<id:\d+>' => '<module>/<controller>/<action>',
'post/<action:(index|create|update|delete)>' => 'post/<action>',
'post/<title:[-\w]+>' => 'post/view',