Extension LazyLoad for Yii2 Framework.
The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.
Either run
php composer.phar require --prefer-dist yiidoc/yii2-lazyload "*"
"yiidoc/yii2-lazyload": "*"
to the require section of your composer.json.
Default use LazyWidget automatic render with options attributes img html tag and configure client scripts
use yiidoc\lazyload\LazyWidget;
or manual generate img tags
use yiidoc\lazyload\LayzAsset;
LayzAsset::register($view); // $view instanceOf yii\web\View
$js = "jQuery('img.img-lazy').lazyload();";
//manaul generate img tag
Bummer! i was tested on my project but not have many time to write document on file and usage. If you have problem please create a issue