Last modified: 2017-05-25. Applicable to Bus Eta Bot v3.0.0 and above.
Bus Eta Bot collects two types of data: application logs and usage statistics.
The contents of each update received from the Telegram Bot are logged. This includes, but is not restricted to, message contents, timestamps, user identifiers and public profile information. A detailed description of what these updates contain can be found in the Telegram Bot API documentation.
The type, timestamp and user identifier of each user interaction with the bot are recorded. The type of user interaction corresponds to the action taken on Telegram, for example sending a bot commmand, making an inline query, or pressing an inline keyboard button, while the user identifier is a unique number assigned to each user.
Application logs are written to the application log, while usage statistics are recorded using the Google Analytics Measurement Protocol.
Application logs are used to monitor the status of the bot and to facilitate error identification, diagnosis and rectification. Usage statistics help to reveal patterns in user engagement with the bot, such as which features are more or less popular, and to determine how the bot can be improved.
Only the bot creator has access to this data, and best practices such as using randomly generated strong passwords and multi-factor authentication are taken to ensure there is no unauthorised access to the Google Cloud Platform project and Google Analytics account containing this data.
This document is an authoritative reference for the Bus Eta Bot privacy policy. Any changes to it are updates to the privacy policy and will be reflected in this repository. This privacy policy can be accessed from within the bot using the /privacy
You may raise an issue in this repository or contact the bot creator at