conda create python=3.9 pip -n ralle
conda activate ralle
git clone --recursive
cd ralle
# install torch and transformers (required)
conda install -y pytorch=2.0.1 pytorch-cuda=11.8 -c pytorch -c nvidia
pip install transformers accelerate bitsandbytes
# install ralle (required)
pip install .
# or `pip install gradio mlflow; export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:$(pwd)`
# install KILT (required)
cd KILT; pip install .; cd ..
# install faiss (required)
conda install -y -c pytorch faiss-gpu
# install BM25 (optional)
conda install -y openjdk=11 maven
pip install pyserini
# install DiskANN (optional)
conda install -y boost cmake mkl libaio llvm-openmp gperftools ninja
conda install -y mkl-static -c intel
cd DiskANN
git checkout 0.5.0.rc3
git apply ../diskann_bs_16k.patch
pip install .
cd ..
Due to PydanticUserError when importing MLflow (as of Aug. 2023), downgrade MLflow as work around.
pip install mlflow==2.4.1