If you want to quickly run the latest yCrash version on Kubernetes then follow steps given here.
You can also integrate yCrash with the Prometheus. For more details visit Integrate yCrash with Prometheus page.
If you wish to build Docker image of yCrash server and run it on Kubernetes by yourself then follow the setps given below:
Clone the repo:
SSH - git clone git@github.com:ycrash/ycrash-k8s.git HTTPS - git clone https://github.com/ycrash/ycrash-k8s.git cd ycrash-k8s
and put it into this directory -
and set the values.cp yc-agent-config.yaml.template yc-agent-config.yaml
Prometheus integration is only supported in kubernetes setup.
docker-compose up -d
Then see the services and the ports exposed:
docker-compose ps
Prometheus integration is only supported in a Kubernetes setup. Please note that this option runs with default arguments.
To build images:
docker build -t ycrash ./docker-images/ycrash docker build -t buggyapp ./docker-images/buggyapp
To run the container locally:
docker run -ti --rm -p 8080:8080 --name ycrash -v $(pwd)/license.lic:/opt/workspace/yc/license.lic ycrash
docker run -ti --rm -p 9010:9010 -p 8085:8085 --name buggyapp -v $(pwd)/yc-agent-config.yaml:/opt/workspace/yc-agent/linux/config.yaml buggyapp
Then open http://localhost:8080 and http://localhost:9010
The yCrash server parameter is passed during runtime
To build images:
docker build -t ycrash -f ./docker-images/ycrash/DockerfileNoDefaults .
2. To run the container locally:
docker run -ti --rm -p 8080:8080 --name ycrash -v $(pwd)/license.lic:/opt/workspace/yc/license.lic ycrash -Xms2g -Xmx4g -Dapp=yc -DlogDir=. -DuploadDir=. -jar webapp-runner.jar -AconnectionTimeout=3600000 --port 8080 yc.war
The above demonstrates how to pass various parameters, such as Xmx, Xms, -DuploadDir, etc., to the yCrash server during runtime.
If you run containers with the above steps, please stop them first before continuing.
Kubernetes manifests (yaml) resides in kubernetes/
cp kubernetes/yc-license-secret.yaml.template kubernetes/yc-license-secret.yaml
and replace the license template with the real one. -
cp kubernetes/buggyapp-secret.yaml.template kubernetes/buggyapp-secret.yaml
and set the appropriate value -
Assuming you have a running kubernetes cluster and kubectl ready to access the cluster, next step is to just run:
kubectl apply -f kubernetes/ -R
to verify the pods are running:
kubectl get pods
There are a few ways of exposing a service in kubernetes to the outside. But for the initial scope, we can access it privately with port-forward:
kubectl port-forward deployment/yc-web 8080
kubectl port-forward deployment/buggyapp 9010 8085
Then the ycrash service should be accessible from http://localhost:8080 and buggyapp should be accessible from http://localhost:9010
- Kubernetes deployment yaml is working. It's the simplest implementation, which is easy for initial review but not yet "production ready".