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Team 59:

  • YAW Jalik (3035729435)
  • GUILLEMOT Raphaele Michelle (3033093337)
  • Project: Minesweeper, the game we all love/hate, in text-based format. Mines are randomly generated across the board and the player has to uncover all the empty blocks to win the game. Players have the option to choose a new game or load game with a save-file.

Files List

  • board.cpp The struct Board and functions related to the board engine
  • board.h board.cpp headers
  • functions.cpp The helper functions for easy read and run logic flow
  • functions.h functions.cpp headers
  • main.cpp Dictates the flow of the game and compiles all the functions
  • Makefile Makefile to build minesweeper
  • prints.cpp The functions that only needs to print and convey information
  • prints.h prints.cpp headers
  • This file

Program can be built using 'make main' on the terminal.

Design Decisions

  1. Generation of random game sets or events
  • Randomly generated mines that are dependant on the first move (board.cpp, Board::generate_mines())
  1. Data structures for storing game status
  • Board struct that stores information of the minesweeper board (board.cpp, Board::Board())
  • Other variables that kept track of the game are string input, int row, col (main.cpp, 47)
  • int previous_time is a special variable that traverses through different save files to keep an accurate measurement of the gameplay time
  1. Dynamic memory management
  • Two dynamic 2D char arrays representing game boards that have sizes dependant on difficulty (board.cpp, Board::initialize_board(), Board::select_difficulty())
  • deletion of boards to free memory space (board.cpp, Board::~Board())
  1. File input/output
  • Saving/loading external save-file in savefile.txt (board.cpp, Board::load_board(), Board::save_board())
  1. Program codes in multiple files (board.cpp, functions.cpp, main.cpp, prints.cpp)

  2. Proper indentation and naming styles

  3. In-code documentation in the beginning of every .cpp file and throughout

*** Program compiled and tested in both academy11 and academy21 servers *** input and output files in sample_gameplay are only for reference, NOT suitable for automated testing as the game is random.

External libraries/sources used


Minesweeper on a terminal!



