Copy buildspec.yml file at root of serverless project
Make sure that underscore is not used in logical name of any resource in serverless template file
Install serverless-sam plugin in you serverless node appserverless-sam
AWS CLI already configured with Administrator access
- Alternatively, you can use a Cloudformation Service Role with Admin access
Github Personal Token with full permissions on admin:repo_hook and repo
Go to CloudFormation console. Select create new stack and upload template file. Enter following parameter values: GithubRepo, GithubToken, GithubUser, AppName.
GithubRepo - GitHub repository name GithubToken - GitHub Token GithubUser - GitHub user name AppName - Application/Stack Name
Make sure you check ==> "I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources." option"
Also make sure you opt in to receive emails from AWS SNS topics. Once stacks get created you will receive an email to confirm subscription to SNS topic emails. You need to confirm the subscription by clicking the link in the email
Although CodePipeline will orchestrate this 3-environment CI/CD pipeline we need to learn how to integrate our toolchain to fit the following sections:
Source code
All you need to do here is to initialize a local git repository
for your existing service if you haven't done already and connect to the git repository
that you retrieved in the previous section.
git init
Next, add a new Git Origin to connect your local repository to the remote repository:
Git Instructions for HTTPS access Git Instructions for SSH access Git Instructions for HTTPS access
Build steps
This Pipeline expects buildspec.yaml
to be at the root of this git repository
and CodeBuild expects will read and execute all sections during the Build stage.
Open up buildspec.yaml
using your favourite editor and customize it to your needs - Comments have been added to guide you what's needed
Triggering a deployment through the Pipeline
The Pipeline will be listening for new git commits pushed to the master
branch (unless you changed), therefore all we need to do now is to commit to master and watch our pipeline run through:
git add .
git commit -m "Kicking the tires of my first CI/CD pipeline"
git push origin master