All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog.
- example config files
-- migrated to Github
- Add try/except in update state to avoid intermittant failures
- Raise when invalid turret requested
- Wait before setting slits and mirrors on startup/home so that they are set properly
- Add a stillness check to computation of busy
- things like intermittant firmware busy going low due to e.g. backlashing
- Always loop update state instead of waiting for busy to go true. This ensures the slits are properly read
- previously had be actually setting correctly but not updating reported position
- Avoid trying to set slits to NaN, which would raise an exception and prevent additional slits from being set
- Convert IHR320 slit and mirror fields into properties, with added getters
- Minor fixes to the IHR320 found while testing
- micro-hr renamed to horiba-micro-hr for consistency in the ecosystem
- updated configuration for gratings to have a string rather than integer
- added forgotten config options to is-daemon: enable, log_level, and log_to_file
- horiba-ihr320 daemon
- Set default turret to 0 instead of null
- prefer libusb0 backend, avoiding hard crash condition on some systems
- conda-forge as installation source
- set limits at startup
- added get-turret
- regenerated avpr based on recent traits update
- use new trait system in core
- Use flit for publishing to pypi
- Use Apache Avro as defined in YEP-107
- added changelog
- add gitlab-ci
- add traits support
- added daemon-level version, see YEP-105
- Remove set_action decorator, use from syntax
- Remove pytest-runner
- Use daemon level loggers
- refactored gitlab-ci
- updated readme
- initial release