is a semantic data mediator. Its main goal is to create more accessible data models and democratize data access. Its target users are professionals that use queries as part of their routine but aren't technology experts, such as researchers, product managers and marketing analysts. Consider the following:
Imagine that two researchers, Bob and Alice, share the same research field of study and use computer simulations to assess their work. Simulations are usually structured as workflows (Wfs) that have inputs, a sequence of programs that transform them and generate outputs. Researchers usually use tools to orchestrate, automate and control their Wfs. They are called Workflow Management Systems (WFMSs)
Each WfMS have their own storing mechanism and data model. They often offer exports structured data (such as logs and Relational Databases (RDbs)) so researchers can query and analyze their findings. However, data exported by different WfMSs may not be compatible for comparison right away since there might be different logical representations (logs vs RDbs) or even different conceptual models (data models). polyflow
was designed to solve this problem in a very user-friendly way.
Considering that Bob uses Kepler while Alice uses Swift/T for orchestrating their respective workflows.
Kepler's and Swift/T's models are similar logical models and semantically identical. Because of that, they can be represented in a canonical fashion. In other words, a single Canonical Conceptual Model (CCM) can be used to represent data described by both models.
Bob and Alice's model | CCM |
![]() |
![]() |
And that's where polyflow
comes in. Database experts/tech savvy people describe mapping strategies between the CCM and the local schemas using an object-like syntax so that researchers can query a single, simplified data model.
Below we show a high-level overview of how polyflow
works. It transforms queries, during run time, from simple entities to their actual representation in underlying data sources via entity mappers.
This software is derived from my master's thesis and you can check the Publications section for aditional information.
All you need Docker to run polyflow
. To install it, just follow the guide for your OS:
⚠️ This guide is valid only to Unix-based distributions. If you have Windows, some commands will be different.
First of all, open the Terminal
program in your computer. Then, clone or download the repository.
git clone https://github.com/yanmendes/polyflow
If you opted for the download, unzip the file and change into your downloads directory in the Terminal
. Otherwise, just change into polyflow's
cd polyflow
Then, you need to create a docker network to enable communication between containers. To do that, run:
docker network create polyflow
# if you're running it on a Ubuntu
sudo docker network create polyflow
If you have containerized databases that you wish to connect to polyflow
, make sure to add them to the network.
To run the application just run the command below. It launches two docker containers: one containing the application and other a database that serves as polyflow's
docker-compose up polyflow
# if you're running it on a Ubuntu
sudo docker-compose up polyflow
To make sure your installation worked, open http://localhost:3050. There should be a blue screen with a big play button in the middle. This is a GraphQL playground
and where you'll be interacting with polyflow.
If you don't know anything about GraphQL, I suggest this read for a quick overview.
To check out the endpoints of polyflow
, click the Schema
button on the right side of the screen. The GraphQL playground provides auto-complete to queries and mutations by tapping ctrl + space
This section provides an overview of polyflow's
core concepts and how to interact with the software.
⚠️ This is NOT a valid example and errors will be thrown if you try to execute these queries and mutations. For working examples, check the examples section.
There are three main concepts in polyflow: Data Sources
, Mediators
and Entities
. In terms of our example, a data source is where the resources are located. We currently provide support to PostgreSQL, MySQL and BigDAWG, so a data source is a PSQL/MySQL URL or a BigDAWG endpoint, but you can think of it as an Unique Resource Identifier (URI) to any resource accross the web (e.g. databases, files) that will be mediated by polyflow
To connect polyflow
to Bob's database, we should use the addDataSource mutation
mutation addDataSource {
dataSource: { type: postgres, uri: "<bob's-db-URI>", slug: "bobs-db" }
) {
To check existing Data Sources
, you should run the dataSources query
query {
dataSources {
Mediators are “...a software module that exploits encoded knowledge about certain sets or subsets of data to create information for a higher layer of applications.”. In simpler terms, mediators can be used to enrich data, leveraging domain-specific knowledge to provide simpler and/or more semantically rich data models. Recalling our scenario, mediators would be the transformations needed to convert data described by local (Bob and Alice's) schemas to the global one (CCM).
Since the target CCM can have multiple entities that compose it, the transformations are described by a more granular abstraction. We can create a mediator
of a data source
using the addMediator mutation
. Note that a data source
can have multiple mediators. The mediator's
slug will define the mediator being used to handle a query as we'll see further ahead.
mutation {
mediator: { dataSourceSlug: "bobs-db", name: "Bob's mediator", slug: "bob" }
) {
Entities are the most crucial piece of the puzzle. The entityMapper
prop defines the transformation from this entity's local schema to its global representation. Since polyflow
aims for a technology-agnostic approach, different data storages can be added by implementing new interfaces and query resolvers. With that in mind, note that entityMappers
structure may vary depending on the data source being used.
For now, polyflow
only supports a query resolver for SQL and can interface with PostgreSQL, MySQL and BigDawg. The relational's entityMapper
structure can be found here. It's composed by the table's name
, a designed (optional) alias
, the columns
that will be projected and a where
prop that applies filters.
However, since the data in our local schema may be more granular than in our CCM, we may need to aggregate
entities to get the desired outcome. For instance, in Bob's model, the price
of a sale is not recorded in the Sales
entity. If we were to write a plain SQL statement to retrieve the data in our CCM's format, it would result in something along the lines of
SELECT customer, city, value AS price FROM Sales s, Prices p WHERE s.id = p.saleId
Because of that, an entityMapper
has optional fields entity2, type, params
that allows the creation of complex entities. To create Bob's CCM's only entity, Sales, we will use the addEntity mutation
below. Note that aggregations can be recursively defined, i.e. you can aggregate more than 2 entities. You can check the examples folder for that.
mutation addBobSaleEntity {
entity: {
name: "Sales"
slug: "sales"
mediatorSlug: "bob"
entityMapper: {
entity1: { name: "Sales" }
entity2: { name: "Prices" }
columns: [
{ projection: "city" }
{ projection: "customer" }
{ projection: "value" }
type: INNER
params: ["s.id", "p.saleId"]
) {
Finally, after providing the proper mappings, Bob can query the data using the CCM via the query
endpoint. As mentioned before, the mediator's
slug provides polyflow
the proper context to transform incoming queries. Similarly, the entity's
slug tells polyflow
which entityMapper
should be used.
For relational databases, the query syntax is SQL-like, with the only difference being: instead of querying regular tables in your schema, you should be targeting the entities
inserted in the catalog, wrapped by [ ]
and preceded by the desired mediator
, as shown in the example below:
query {
query(query: "SELECT * FROM bob[sales]")
The examples folder contains two implemented examples: one using PostgreSQL and MySQL databases and other using BigDAWG: a polystore database system. There are README
files in the directories containing instructions on how to run them.
To stop the execution of the containers, run:
docker rm -f polyflow polyflow-catalog
# if you're running it on a Ubuntu
sudo docker rm -f polyflow polyflow-catalog
Firstly, you need to set up your environment by installing Node.js, PostgreSQL and Yarn. If you're running in a Mac distribution, I highly recommend using Brew to install and manage your packages.
Now, you need to copy the .env.sample
file into a .env
file an write your local settings there.
yarn run build
yarn run start:prod
- Explicit alias is mandatory for tables, i.e.
select * from table t
won't work. It has to be rewritten asselect * from table as t
- Add support to
group by
andorder by
in the entity mapper
- Theoretical fundamentals that guided this work - ÖZSU, M. Tamer; VALDURIEZ, Patrick. Principles of distributed database systems. Springer Science & Business Media, 2011.
- Workflow definition - De Oliveira, Daniel CM, Ji Liu, and Esther Pacitti. "Data-Intensive Workflow Management: For Clouds and Data-Intensive and Scalable Computing Environments." Synthesis Lectures on Data Management 14.4 (2019): 1-179.
- Swift/T WFMS - Wozniak, Justin M., et al. "Swift/t: Large-scale application composition via distributed-memory dataflow processing." 2013 13th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud, and Grid Computing. IEEE, 2013.
- Kepler WFMS - Altintas, Ilkay, et al. "Kepler: an extensible system for design and execution of scientific workflows." Proceedings. 16th International Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management, 2004.. IEEE, 2004.