Method 1
- Open phone wifi hotspot
- Open app, connect to wifi hotspot
On pc, connect to phone wifi hotspot, then use nmap to scan the network
sudo nmap -sP
Install nmap with:
sudo apt install nmap
Once the ip detected, to remote access jetson nx:
ssh mi@
replace the ip adress with yours, password: 123
Method 2
- open pc wifi hotspot
- Open app, connect to pc wifi hotspot
Then the same steps from the method above.
Recommand this method
Recommanded tools
vscode + ssh extension
- Dependencies
pip install baidu-aip
cd scripts
the wav files will be generated by data/wav folder
scp ../data/wav/* mi@
replace ip, reboot the robot.
A lot of the code is based on Karlsx's code
sudo pip3 install pygame grpcio grpcio-tools
python3 -m grpc_tools.protoc --python_out=. --grpc_python_out=. -I. ./proto/*.proto
cd scripts/
It should work with all available joyticks listed in /dev/input/js* .
Not perfect for the moment but can be tested for fun:
- Create a ros2 workspace on cyberdog, clone this repo
- In launch/ modify the parameters (put your dog's mi number)
- Build this package, you might need to source ros2 environment first
- Bring up your cyberdog: connect it to your phone, (ideally use your phone's hotspot if you want to bring it outside) switch to outdoor mode, stand up and get down, this will "active" the dog, because on activation, it will disable realsense camera on outdoor mode.
- Enable realsense camera
ros2 service call /mi999999(put your dog number)/camera/enable std_srvs/SetBool "{data : True}"
- stand up again and the dog will follow the centroid point in front of the camera.
- parameterize instead of changing values in launch file
- add service call to enable realsense camera instead of command line
- add service call to enable follower
- add param to enable follower with a gait number
- automate mi serial detection in launch file, ref athena_common getNamepace()
- add script to launch at system start