Articles I have enjoyed.
- Hannah Arendt - The Thinker on Totaliarianism is Popular in the Trump Era
- Donald Trump Didn't Want to be President
- Making China Great Again
- Generation Screwed
- The Rise and Fall of the Pop Star Purity Ring
- China's Selfie Obsession - New Yorker
- How to Think About Implicit Bias
- Too Many Men - Washington Post
The consequences of having too many men, now coming of age, are far-reaching: Beyond an epidemic of loneliness, the imbalance distorts labor markets, drives up savings rates in China and drives down consumption, artificially inflates certain property values, and parallels increases in violent crime, trafficking or prostitution in a growing number of locations.
- A different definition of violence - How do you rein in hateful speech online without overbalancing into censorship? That is Germany’s challenge.
- A Most American Terrorist: The Making of Dylann Roof - GQ
- The deadly truth about a world built for men – from stab vests to car crashes - Too much headshaking
- Can We Keep Our Biases from Creeping Into AI
- As Coding Boot Camps Close, the Field Faces a Reality Check
- DNA tests for IQ
- Gentle Intro to Rust by Steve Donovan
- Taxonomy of Technical Debt
- Palantir Knows Everything About You
- This Cat Sensed Death. What if Computers Could, Too?
"Bitcoin is what banking looked like in the middle ages — “here’s your libertarian paradise, have a nice day.”"
- Ten years in, nobody has come up with a use case for blockchain
- Blockchain is not only crappy technology but a bad vision for the future
- Blockchain-Free Cryptocurrencies
- target: blank - The Most Underrated Vulnerability Ever
- Node.js Best Practices - How to become a better Node.js developer in 2018
- Gmail phishing scam
- The Drug of Choice for the Age of Kale
- Learning A New Language Changes the Way You Perceive Reality
- Ellen Pompeo - TV's $20 Million Woman Reveals Her Behind the Scenes Fight - What I Deserve
- Vanity Fair - Lena Waithe Is Changing the Game
- Why I'm suing over my dream internship
- The man who brought down Lance Armstrong - The Atlantic
- I think he turned Armstrong in to save his own ass, but it does make for an interesting look into a hyper competitive sport.
"Performance-enhancing drugs have been central to competitive cycling for as long as the sport has existed. Early-20th-century riders in the Tour de France took the dangerous stimulant strychnine and held ether-soaked handkerchiefs to their mouth to dull the pain caused by propelling a bike for thousands of miles."
- What Capitalism Is - Teen Vogue
- WEF - basic income could boost US economy by $2.5 trillion
- Bike Share Oversupply in China - Pictures