composer require yousefpackage/visits
in app.php
write this in $routeMiddleware
'providers' => [
write this in $routeMiddleware
'visit' => \Yousefpackage\Visits\Http\Middleware\VistsMiddleware::class,
php artisan migrate
now for test this package goto your browser and write this visits-package
Now Put this middleware on the route you want to calculate the number of views for.
->middleware('throttle:visit', 'visit');
like this
Route::get('/', function () {
return view('welcome');
})->middleware('throttle:visit', 'visit');
If you want to calculate the number of views you have, make a controller and then put this code
use Yousefpackage\Visits\Models\Visit;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;
class ViewsController extends Controller
function index(){
return DB::table('visits')->select('ip')->count(); // To count the number of views
return Visit::all(); // To display the data in the visits table
And we find in the table that we have the visitor’s IP, his city, the page he visited and the type of his operating system