diff --git a/filetypes.abaqus b/filetypes.abaqus new file mode 100644 index 0000000..93244bf --- /dev/null +++ b/filetypes.abaqus @@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ +# For complete documentation of this file, please see Geany's main documentation +[styling] +# Edit these in the colorscheme .conf file instead +default=default +comment=comment_line +number=number +string=string_1 +operator=operator +processor=preprocessor +starcommand=keyword +argument=parameter + +[keywords] +# all items must be in one line +starcommands=amplitude base motion beam section boundary buckle cflux change contact type change friction change material change plastic change solid section change surface behavior +clearence cload complex frequency conductivity contact file contact output contact pair contact print controls correlation length coupled temperature-displacement coupling +crack propagation creep cyclic hardening cyclic symmetry model damping dashpot deformation plasticity density depvar design response design variables dflux +distributing distributing coupling distribution dload dsload dynamic elastic electrical conductivity electromagnetics element element output el file el print elset +end step equation expansion feasible direction filter film fluid constants fluid section frequency gap gap conductance gap heat generation geometric constraint geometric tolerances +green hcf heading heat transfer hyperelastic hyperfoam include initial conditions initial mesh initial strain increase konematic magnetic permeability mass mass flow +material matrix assemble membrane section modal damping modal dynamic modal change mohr coulomb mohr coulomb hardening mpc network mpc no analysis nodal thickness +node node file node output node print normal print normal nset objective orientation physical constants plastic pre-tension section radiate rate dependent refine mesh +restart retained nodal dofs rigid body robust design section print select cyclic symmmetry modes sensitivity shell section solid section specific gas constant specific heat spring static +steady state dynamics step submodel substructure generate substructure matrix output surface surface behavior surface interaction temperature tie time points transform +uncoupled temperature-displacement user element user material values at infinity viewfactor visco +arguments=2d 3d elset material name stiffness file mass file nset output section forces section type generate perturbation nlgeom storage absolute zero stefan boltzmann newton gravity +inc input incf frequencyf op amplitude film amplitude film time delay time delay time reset time points time reset total time at start last iterations contact elements load case +user add fixed submodel step data step data set file bstep mass flow coriolis steady state compressible turbulence model shallow water node surface element compressible shock smoothing +manning constants constraint name composite edge preservation direction weighting totals no heat transfer limit orientation offset offset1 offset2 nodal thickness solver submodel +to node to surface to massless interaction type zero small sliding adjust master slave value sector omega omega0 pressure-overclosure parameters reset ref node rot node direct +alpha deltmx magnetostatics material length law n ngraph tie elset matrix check alpha beta structural direct rayleigh explicit relative to absolute remove remove all method +boundary weighting edge preservation direction weighting oil liquid storage global cycmpc mode mission step max cycle scaling arruda-boyce mooney-rivlin neo hoke ogden polynomial +reduced polynomial yeoh plane straight beam dist constrained stiffness file radiation amplitude radiation time delay envnode cavity read write write only no change sorted random field only +nmin nmax nonlinear harmonic thermal network file name output file position tolerance integration points maxdof nodes cetol system +[settings] +# default extension used when saving files +extension=inp + +# the following characters are these which a "word" can contains, see documentation +#wordchars=_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 + +# single comments, like # in this file +comment_single=** +# multiline comments +#comment_open= +#comment_close= + +# set to false if a comment character/string should start at column 0 of a line, true uses any +# indentation of the line, e.g. setting to true causes the following on pressing CTRL+d + #command_example(); +# setting to false would generate this +# command_example(); +# This setting works only for single line comments +comment_use_indent=false + +# context action command (please see Geany's main documentation for details) +context_action_cmd= + +[indentation] +#width=4 +# 0 is spaces, 1 is tabs, 2 is tab & spaces +#type=1 + + +[build_settings] +# %f will be replaced by the complete filename +# %e will be replaced by the filename without extension +# (use only one of it at one time) +compiler= +run_cmd=ccx "%e" + +[build-menu] +FT_00_LB=Datacheck +FT_00_CM=cgx -c "%f" +FT_00_BD=false +FT_01_LB=Run Job +FT_01_CM=cgx -v "%e".frd +FT_01_BD=false +