File Portals is an application designed to share files between different devices such as mobile phones, computers or servers. And always keeping in mind the philosophy of always free.
- For peer connections:
- Free: 50GB
- For signaling server:
- Free 512MB RAM & 0.1 CPU
- Deployed a Peer DNS in some clicks
- For hosting:
- Free 10GB of storage and 360MB/day
- Fonts:
- Open source fonts with free commercial use
- Icons:
- Free icons sometimes need atributtion
npm install -g firebase-tools@12.8.1
Version at the moment of write this: 12.8.1
Make sure of run this command in the root of the project
firebase login
firebase init
ng build
firebase serve
firebase deploy
firebase login:ci
Then use it to deploy
firebase deploy --token "$FIREBASE_TOKEN"
ng add @angular/pwa