A PhD student at George Mason University, advised by Prof. Xuesu Xiao.
- 🔭 I’m currently working on counting stars...
- 💬 You can ask me any questions.
- 🏠 I am currently in Fairfax, Virginia, US.
- 📫 How to reach me txu25@gmu.edu
This is the Final Project for CSCI-570 Analysis of Algorithms. It was aimed at Sequence Alignment using the basic Dynamic Programming approach and a space-efficient (linear space instead of quadrat…
Python 1
Multimedia Systems Design taught by Prof. Parag Havaldar at the University of Southern California. The course project is meant to give us a deep understanding of Hypermedia.
Java 1
This repo is to analyze the basic principles of SRCNN and reproduce in coding.
This repo is to predict gender in real time from camera with SVM.
This repo is to analyze the basic principles of SRCNN and create my model SRGAN from SRCNN