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Repository files navigation

Quick and dirty guide to our Website


Most of the site is in the "web" Git repository, but a separate download
directory is used on the web server for files that are large or change

The site HTML is built using a code generator (a small Boron script).
A Makefile is used for updates, with transfers done via rsync.

Initial Setup

 - Export the environment variable "SF_USER" with your SourceForge user name.

 - Checkout the web repository:

       git clone ssh://${SF_USER}

 - Run "make fetch_dl" to get a local copy of the download directory.

Modifying the Site

 - Change files in the page-spec/, css/, images/ & download/ directories as

 - Run "make" to generate a local copy of the HTML files.  These may be
   inspected in a web browser before updating the site.

 - Use "make update" to upload the changed files to the web server

 - Commit and push both the page-spec/ source files and the generated output
   to Git.  The outputs are kept in the repository so that:

     1. Page changes can be checked using "git diff".
     2. Replacing the generator script (or returning to manual edits) could
        be more easily done.

Removing Files

To remove files from the server use an rsync command with the "--delete"
option or login to the web server.

To login create an interactive shell session

    ssh -t ${SF_USER}, create
    cd /home/project-web/xu4/htdocs