- Install the python
- Ensure the hearthstone is running in full screen.
- Ensure the hearthstone is running in 1920*1080 resolution
- Pre-build your mercenary collection .
- Open the config.py , update the spells , bounty_no and mercenary_collection base on What the order number means section.
# the mercernaries pickup order, in this case, the card 1,2 and 3 are picked.
mercenaries = [1,2,3]
# the spell order , in this case ,the card1 ,card2 and card3 are using the spell1 in the first round ,
# in 2nd round the card1 is using the spell 3, and card 2 is using spell 2 and the card 3 is using the spell 2 .
# in 3rd round , the card1 ,card2 and card3 are using the spell 1 , and so on.
spells = [[1,1,1],[2,3,3]]
# the bounty selection order, in this case , the 5th bounty is selected.
bounty_no = 5
# the mercenary collection selection order, in this case , the 3rd collection is selected
mercenary_collection = 3
# whether the bot traverses the map to find the mysterious vistor
is_path_to_mysterious = True
# Is the bot starts from bounty selection
start_from_bounty = True
- Click into the Bountries selection page.
- Run python start.py
The bot numbers the mercenary collections , bountry , mercenaries and spells for the user to easily to use them
- The mercenary collections are numbered from left to right , from top to bottom
- The Bountries are numbered from left to right , from top to bottom
- The mercenaries are numbered from left to right, but you need to find them position from the battle field , it can be changed sometimes .
- Check your mercenary spell order , they are numbered from left to right.
- The bot traverses the map to find the mysterious vistor , and get its (x,y) location
- The bot reorder the move locations based on abs(its(x_axis) - mercenary(x_axis)) ascending order .
- There is no guarantee that the mysterious vistor will be reached, but it provides the greatest possibility
- 1920 * 1080 - FULL SCREEN - ENG
- The bot will stops working if the any of mercenary is died. (FIXED)
- Once the rewards are collected , re-choose the boss and start over . (Done)
- Refine the battle spell choose.
- Auto find the path to mysterious (DONE)
- Selective mercenary to pick the mysterious task.
- Add config
- Rewrite the list_map_moves
- Add test cases
- Update feature match to make it's more accurate
- Update HSBattleBot to fix the known issue 1)
- Update HSMapBot to support the auto path to mysterious
- Fix bugs
- Update find_mysterious
- Update mysterious.PNG
- Update map begin ,end and scoll templates
- Add find_mysterious_position function to hsmap_bot
- Fix bugs
- Update list_allow_move_cards
- Update _hsv_contour
- Fix bugs
- Release alpha version
- Fix bugs
- code refactoring
- Added more unit test cases
- Added the bounties detection
- Added the mercenary collections detection
- Rewrite the list_allow_spell_cards method to make it's more accurate
- Add unit test cases
- code refactoring