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Repository containing a Github action for running the e2e tests for the New Relic integrations


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End to end testing action for New Relic integrations to ensure that:

  • The integrations are correctly executed by the agent.
  • The service metrics and entities are correctly sent to NROne.

New Relic has two kinds of integrations:

  • Custom made integrations
  • Integrations based on prometheus exporters


Steps executed by the e2e action

  • It reads the e2e test descriptor file/s that must be passed as an argument to the action.
  • For each scenario present in the descriptor:
    • It launches services dependencies (e.g. a docker-compose ) if specified in the before step.
    • It creates a config file with the details in the descriptor.
    • Adds a custom-attribute to the config:
      • Composed by the current commit sha + a new 10 alphanumeric-random digit on each scenario.
      • The tests will look for this label to fetch the metrics and the entities from the New Relic backend.
    • It launches the default docker-compose of the Infra Agent mounting the binaries and configs so the integrations are run automatically.
    • The runner executes the tests one by one, checking that metrics &/or entities are being created correctly.
    • If the test fails, it's retried after the retry_seconds (default 30s) and up to the retry_attempts (default 10) defined for the action.
    • It stops & removes the services if specified in the after step.
    • If verbose is true it logs the agent logs with other debug information.
  • The action is completed.


newrelic-integration-e2e-action can be installed as binary by using the following Go tool command:

go install

In case you don't want to install de binary you can always run it directly:

go run


Example usage:

name: e2e
    branches: ["powerdns_e2e"]
    branches: ["powerdns_e2e"]
    name: E2E tests for PowerDNS
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: checkout-repository
        uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - name: Setup go
        uses: actions/setup-go@v1
          go-version: 1.18
      - name: build-powerdns
        run: make build-powerdns
      - name: e2e-test
        uses: newrelic/newrelic-integration-e2e-action@v1
          spec_path: exporters/powerdns/e2e/e2e_spec.yml
          account_id: ${{ secrets.ACCOUNT_ID }}
          api_key: ${{ secrets.API_KEY }}
          license_key: ${{ secrets.LICENSE_KEY }}
          retry_seconds: 30
          retry_attempts: 10
          verbose: false

The required fields are:

  • spec_path to define the e2e.
  • account_id required by the NR API.
  • api_key required by the NR API (API key type: "User").
  • license_key required by the agent (API key type: "Ingest - License").

Optional parameters:

  • retry_seconds it's the number of seconds to wait after retrying a test. default: 30.
  • retry_attempts it's the number of attempts a failed test can be retried. default: 10.
  • verbose if set to to true the agent logs and other useful debug logs will be printed. default: false.
  • agent_enabled if set to false then the agent will not be spawned and its lifecycle will be up to the user of the action. Useful when testing K8s like integrations
  • region is where to send the e2e data. Possible values: "US", "EU", "Staging", "Local". See action.yaml for more info.

Spec file for the e2e

The paths of the binaries in this file are relative to its parent folder.

The spec file for the e2e needs to be a yaml file with the following structure:

decription : Description for the e2e test.

custom_test_key: (Optional) Key of the custom attribute to test. Useful in case you cannot control the keyName.

agent: Extra environment variables and/or integrations required for the e2e.

  • build_context : Relative path to the directory where a custom docker-compose.yml will be build and run to launch the Agent. If not specified a default embedded docker-compose is executed.
  • integrations : Additional integrations needed for the e2e.
  • env_vars : Additional EnvVars for the agent execution.

scenarios: Array of scenarios, each one is an independent run for the e2e.

  • decription : Description of the scenario.
  • before : Array of shell commands that will be executed by the e2e runner before the next steps of the scenario. (Here is where the docker-compose commands need to be put to setup the environment)
  • after : Array of shell commands that will be executed by the e2e runner as the last step of the scenario.
  • integrations : Array with the integrations running in this scenario.
    • name : Name of the integration under test.
    • binary_path : Relative path to the integration binary.
    • exporter_binary_path : Relative path to the prometheus exporter if it's needed (Prometheus based integrations)
    • config : The config values for this NR integration that will be red by the agent to execute the integration.
  • tests : The 3 kinds of tests that will be done to the New relic api to check for metrics/entities in NROne:
    • nrqls : Array of queries that will be executed independently. You can specify if running a query an error is expected or not.
    • query : the query to run
    • error_expected: false by default, useful if we want to test that a metric is not being sent
    • metrics : Array of metrics to check existing in NROne
      • source : Relative path to the integration spec file (It defines the entities and metrics) that will be parsed to match the metrics got from NROne.
      • except_entities : Array of entities whose metrics will be skipped.
      • except_metrics : Array of metrics to skip.
      • exceptions_source : Relative (to the spec file) path to a YAML file containing extra exceptions. This metrics are appended to the ones defined in except_metrics and except_entities.
    • entities : Array of entities to chek existing in NROne.
      • type : Type of the entity to look for in NROne
      • data_type : Name of the table to check for the entity in NROne (If V4 integration, will always be Metric)
      • metric_name : Name of the known metric that should be having the entity dimension in NROne.


description: |
  End-to-end tests for PowerDNS integration

    NRJMX_VERSION: "1.5.3"

  - description: |
      This scenario will verify that metrics froms PDNS authoritative
      are correcly collected.
      - docker-compose -f "deps/docker-compose.yml" up -d
      - docker-compose -f "deps/docker-compose.yml" down -d
      - name: nri-powerdns
        binary_path: bin/nri-powerdns
        exporter_binary_path: bin/nri-powerdns-exporter
          powerdns_url: http://localhost:8081/api/v1/
          exporter_port: 9121
          api_key: authoritative-secret
        - query: "SELECT average(powerdns_authoritative_queries_total) FROM Metric"
          error_expected: false
          data_type: "Metric"
          metric_name: "powerdns_authoritative_up"
        - type: "POWERDNS_RECURSOR"
          data_type: "Metric"
          metric_name: "powerdns_recursor_up"
        - source: "powerdns.yml"
            - powerdns_authoritative_answers_bytes_total
            - powerdns_recursor_cache_lookups_total
          exceptions_source: "powerdns-custom-exceptions.yml"

Extra exceptions file powerdns-custom-exceptions.yml example:

  - powerdns_metric_removed_on_version_x

Custom Agent image

A docker-compose.yml is embedded into the code which is used by default to build the Agent image that contains the integrations and configs to be tested.

If a custom image is needed, agent.build_context must contain a relative path to a directory containing a docker-compose.yml.In order to mount the binaries to the image E2E_EXPORTER_BIN, E2E_NRI_CONFIG and E2E_NRI_BIN will be set as env variables with the path to the temporary folders where assets are copied.

A concrete example can be checked in this test.

Types of test

All the queries done to NROne are done with an extra WHERE condition that is WHERE testKey = 'COMMMITSHA + 10 Digit alphanumeric' a custom attribute added to the agent. This attribute is decorated in all the emitted metrics.

In this way we ensure that every returned metric/entity is really the emitted by the current e2e scenario.

Example: SELECT * from Metric where metricName = 'powerdns_authoritative_up' where testKey = '35e32b6a00dec02ae7d7c45c6b7106779a124685sneniedzku' limit 1


This test is to ensure that the list of entities specified on the array have been created in NROne, and also to see there exactly the expected number for each type.


This test is to check if the metrics specified in the spec file added to the pipeline's e2e source attribute are present on NROne. The current approach is to copy this spec file in the e2e path.

Example of metrics spec file:

specVersion: "2"
owningTeam: integrations
integrationName: powerdns
humanReadableIntegrationName: PowerDNS
      - name: powerdns_authoritative_deferred_cache_actions
        type: count
        defaultResolution: 15
        unit: count
          - name: type
            type: string
  - entityType: POWERDNS_Recursive
      - name: powerdns_recursive_deferred_cache_actions
        type: count
        defaultResolution: 15
        unit: count
          - name: type
            type: string

This file will be parsed, getting each entity type and the metric names associated. The e2e will do a query to NROne to get all metrics with the testkey of the scenario and will fail if one is not found.

There is the possibility to skip some entity's metrics or specific metrics.


A list of NRQLs that will be checked in NROne, it can be any query and will fail if the result is nil.


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A note about vulnerabilities

As noted in our security policy, New Relic is committed to the privacy and security of our customers and their data. We believe that providing coordinated disclosure by security researchers and engaging with the security community are important means to achieve our security goals.

If you believe you have found a security vulnerability in this project or any of New Relic's products or websites, we welcome and greatly appreciate you reporting it to New Relic through HackerOne.

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To all contributors, we thank you! Without your contribution, this project would not be what it is today. We also host a community project page dedicated to Project Name.


newrelic-integration-e2e-action is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.


Repository containing a Github action for running the e2e tests for the New Relic integrations







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  • Go 98.3%
  • Makefile 1.7%