All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Updated to v0.21.0
- Updated kubernetes packages to v0.29.2
- Add linux node selector @dbudziwojskiNR #523
- Updated to v1.27.0
- Updated to v0.19.0
- Add Codecov @dbudziwojskiNR #513
- Updated kubernetes packages to v0.29.1
- Updated alpine to v3.19.1
- Updated go to v1.21.6
- Updated kubernetes packages to v0.29.0
- Updated to v0.18.0
- Update e2e testing workflow to also run on release in #485
- Updated kubernetes packages to v0.28.4
- Updated go to v1.21.5
- Updated alpine to v3.19.0
- Update reusable workflow dependency by @juanjjaramillo #490
- Reusable release workflow now provides a mechanism for opting out of helm chart updates #488
- Updated to v0.16.0
- Updated alpine to v3.18.5
- Updated to v0.15.0
- Update k8s version in e2e tests by @svetlanabrennan in #459
- Replace k8s v1.28.0-rc.1 with k8s 1.28.3 support by @svetlanabrennan in #458
- Pin Slack notification action to a hash, not to a tag by @juanjjaramillo in #447
- Remove 1.23 support by @svetlanabrennan in #441
- Add k8s 1.28.0-rc.1 support by @svetlanabrennan in #443
- Upload sarif when running periodically or pushing to main by @juanjaramillo in #444
- Improve Trivy scan by using Docker image by @juanjjaramillo in #446
- Trivy scans should only run on the 'Security' workflow by juanjjaramillo in #436
- Updated kubernetes packages to v0.28.3
- Updated to v1.7.0 - Changelog 🔗
- Address CVE-2023-44487 and CVE-2023-39325 by juanjjaramillo in #434
- Updated to v0.14.0
- Fix release workflow to include build-time metadata on release image by juanjjaramillo in #425
- Improve readability of
by @juanjjaramillo in #422
- Make explicit that we are only using a single file by @juanjjaramillo in #416
- Fix action to fetch
by @juanjjaramillo in #420 - Add quotation to variables to handle spaces by @juanjjaramillo in #417
- Updated alpine to v3.18.4
- Updated to v1.26.0
- update docs by @svetlanabrennan in #389
- Updated to v1.26.0
- Updated kubernetes packages to v0.28.2
- Updated go to 1.21
- Updated to v0.13.0
- Update K8s Versions in E2E Tests by @xqi-nr in #369
- Updated kubernetes packages to v0.28.1
- Remove old maintainers @svetlanabrennan #355
- Define GitHub bot name and email @juanjjaramillo #343
- Updated alpine to v3.18.3
- Meet internal security standards @juanjjaramillo #334
- Add configuration of certmanager durations @cdobbyn #323
- Add changelog workflow @svetlanabrennan #316
- Update code owners @juanjjaramillo #318
- Add pull request template @svetlanabrennan #317
- Add More Logs for NEW_RELIC_METADATA_KUBERNETES_CLUSTER_NAME Injection @xqi-nr #325
Full Changelog:
- Update by @juanjjaramillo in newrelic#302
- Bump versions by @juanjjaramillo in newrelic#303
- chore(deps): bump aquasecurity/trivy-action from 0.10.0 to 0.11.2 by @dependabot in newrelic#304
- chore(deps): bump alpine from 3.18.0 to 3.18.2 by @dependabot in newrelic#305
- chore(deps): bump from 0.27.2 to 0.27.3 by @dependabot in newrelic#306
- chore(deps): bump from 0.27.2 to 0.27.3 by @dependabot in newrelic#307
- upgrade go version by @xqi-nr in newrelic#308
Full Changelog:
- Fix helm unittests by @htroisi in newrelic#292
- Bump app and chart versions by @juanjjaramillo in newrelic#293
- Update Helm unit test reference by @juanjjaramillo in newrelic#294
- chore(deps): bump alpine from 3.17.3 to 3.18.0 by @dependabot in newrelic#295
- chore(deps): bump from 0.27.1 to 0.27.2 by @dependabot in newrelic#296
- chore(deps): bump from 1.8.2 to 1.8.4 by @dependabot in newrelic#301
Full Changelog:
- Update dependencies
- Update rennovate workflow
- Bump Helm chart version
- Update dependencies
- Update chart maintainers
- Add support for Pod annotations in batch job pods (#261)
- Updated dependencies
- Fix: Resolve the issue about MutatingWebhookConfiguration being not supported in v1beta1
- Updated dependencies
- Fix: Update dependencies to address vulnerability issue (#234)
- Updated dependencies
- Fix: Re-enable trivy for high vulnerabilities (#202)
- Fix: Update transitive dependencies to address trivy vulnerability issue (#164)
- Updated dependencies
- Updated dependencies
- Adds support for Kubernetes 1.22
- Dependencies have been updated to their latest versions (#93)
- Support multiarch images
- Update k8s-webhook-cert-manager to 1.3.2 This new version introduces a fix to extend support to version 1.19.x of Kubernetes
- Use Github Actions for releasing
- Update k8s-webhook-cert-manager to 1.3.0
- Update to golang version 1.14.6 and alpine 3.12.0
- Update deployment apiVersion to apps/v1
- Add signer with approve permission to rbac for 1.18 compatibility
- Update k8s-webhook-cert-manager to 1.2.1
- Update k8s-webhook-cert-manager to 1.2.0
- Update k8s-webhook-cert-manager to 1.1.1
- Change default server timeout to 1s
- OpenShift support!
- Deployment and Service resources are now explicitly assigned to a namespace.
- The webhook server now listens on a non-root port by default: 8443.
- Initial version of the webhook.