If you wish to read higher-level documentation about this project, please, visit the official documentation site.
New Relic APM agents requires the following environment variables to provide Kubernetes object information in the context of an specific application distributed trace, transaction trace or error trace.
These environment variables are automatically injected in the pods using a MutatingAdmissionWebhook provided by this project.
Please refer to the official documentation to learn more about the reasoning behind this project.
You can install this integration using nri-bundle
helm chart located in the
helm-charts repository or directly from this repository by adding this Helm repository:
helm repo add nri-metadata-injection https://newrelic.github.io/k8s-metadata-injection
helm upgrade --install nri-metadata-injection/nri-metadata-injection -f your-custom-values.yaml
For further information of the configuration needed for the chart just read the chart's README.
For the development process Minikube and Skaffold tools are used.
Currently the project compiles with Go 1.11.4.
Go modules are used for managing dependencies. This project does not need to be in your GOROOT, if you wish so.
Currently for K8s libraries it uses version 1.13.1. Only couple of libraries are direct dependencies, the rest are indirect. You need to point all of them to the same K8s version to make sure that everything works as expected. For the moment this process is manual.
- Copy the deployment file
. - Edit the file and set the following value as container image:
. - Make sure that
imagePullPolicy: Always
is not present in the file (otherwise, the image won't be pulled).
Run skaffold run
. This will build a docker image, build the webhook server inside it, and finally deploy the webhook server to your Minikube and use the Kubernetes API server to sign its TLS certificate (see section about certificates).
To follow the logs, you can run skaffold run --tail
. To delete the resources created by Skaffold you can run skaffold delete
If you would like to enable automatic redeploy on changes to the repository, you can run skaffold dev
. It automatically tails the logs and delete the resources when interrupted (i.e. with a Ctrl + C
For running unit tests, use
make test
For running benchmark tests, use:
make benchmark-test
There are also some basic E2E tests, they are prepared to run using Minikube. To run them, execute:
make e2e-test
The e2e tests make the assumption that you are running on an AMD system so in case the test doesn't generate the needed binary, run the below command. For instance if you run on an M2 mac arm64 is the target arch but it is not made by default.
make compile-multiarch
You can specify against which version of K8s you want to execute the tests:
Please use the Open Api 3.0 spec file as documentation reference. Note that it describes the schema of the requests the webhook server replies to. This schema depends on the currently supported Kubernetes versions.
You can go to editor.swagger.io and paste its contents there to see a rendered version.
Please refer to docs/performance.md.
Admission webhooks are called by the Kubernetes API server and it needs to authenticate the webhooks using TLS. In this project we offer 2 different options of certificate management.
Either certificate management choice made, the important thing is to have the secret created with the correct name and namespace, and also to have the correct CA bundle in the MutatingWebhookConfiguration resource. As long as this is done the webhook server will be able to pick it up.
Please refer to the setup instructions in the official documentation.
For the automatic certificate management, the k8s-webhook-cert-manager is used. Feel free to check the repository to know more about it.
The manifest file at deploy/job.yaml contains a service account that has the following cluster permissions (RBAC based) to be capable of automatically manage the certificates:
- get, create and patch: to be able to create the webhook and patch its CA bundle.CertificateSigningRequests
- create, get and delete: to be able to sign the certificate required for the webhook server without leaving duplicates.CertificateSigningRequests/Approval
- update: to be able to approve CertificateSigningRequests.Secrets
- create, get and patch: to be able to manage the TLS secret used to store the key/cert pair used in the webhook server.ConfigMaps
- get: to be able go get the k8s api server's CA bundle, used in the MutatingWebhookConfiguration.
If you wish to learn more about TLS certificates management inside Kubernetes, check out the official documentation for Managing TLS Certificates in a Cluster.
Otherwise, if you want to use the custom certificate management option you have to create the TLS secret with the signed certificate/key pair and patch the webhook's CA bundle:
$ kubectl create secret tls newrelic-metadata-injection-secret \
--key=server-key.pem \
--cert=signed-server-cert.pem \
--dry-run -o yaml |
kubectl -n default apply -f -
$ caBundle=$(cat caBundle.pem | base64 | td -d '\n')
$ kubectl patch mutatingwebhookconfiguration newrelic-metadata-injection-cfg --type='json' -p "[{'op': 'replace', 'path': '/webhooks/0/clientConfig/caBundle', 'value':'${caBundle}'}]"
- Update the version in
. - Update the version in
in theMakefile
. - Create a Github release.
- Launch the
job in Jenkins.
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New Relic offers NRDiag, a client-side diagnostic utility that automatically detects common problems with New Relic agents. If NRDiag detects a problem, it suggests troubleshooting steps. NRDiag can also automatically attach troubleshooting data to a New Relic Support ticket. Remove this section if it doesn't apply.
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- New Relic Community: The best place to engage in troubleshooting questions
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- New Relic University: A range of online training for New Relic users of every level
- New Relic Technical Support 24/7/365 ticketed support. Read more about our Technical Support Offerings.
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We define “Personal Data” as any information relating to an identified or identifiable individual, including, for example, your name, phone number, post code or zip code, Device ID, IP address, and email address.
For more information, review New Relic’s General Data Privacy Notice.
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A note about vulnerabilities
As noted in our security policy, New Relic is committed to the privacy and security of our customers and their data. We believe that providing coordinated disclosure by security researchers and engaging with the security community are important means to achieve our security goals.
If you believe you have found a security vulnerability in this project or any of New Relic's products or websites, we welcome and greatly appreciate you reporting it to New Relic through HackerOne.
If you would like to contribute to this project, review these guidelines.
To all contributors, we thank you! Without your contribution, this project would not be what it is today.
Kubernetes Metadata injection is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.