un utilitaire simple et insécursé pour transférer des fichiers entre des appareils sur un réseau local
This mainly uses code found here, so it's not by me.
ce script utilise la libraire standard de python "http.server" avec la possiblité de téléverser des fichiers (flemme de traduire le reste)
I created this fork mainly for myself, in order to transfer files between my computer (which can be any Operating System as long as it has Python 3 installed) and any device with a (any) web browser on the local network. For example when I want to transfer files to and from my old BBOS 6 or phone. It should work with any device with WLAN and a web browser. (tested with samsung internet, chrome and brave for android.)
The reason I am keeping this tool insecure is the fact, that I want it to work with any device, without any hassle with certificates and authentication. The idea is to make this tool as basic and backwards-compatible as possible.
First of all, make sure you have Python 3 installed on your system.
Then (in terminal) run:
git clone https://github.com/xpeuvr327/python-file-transfer.git
cd python-file-transfer
You can run the script by simply typing python ftranfer.py
(or python3 ftransfer.py
if you have both Python 2 and Python 3 installed, like on OSX).
However, it is handy to make a view adjustments, to make this tool even more usable:
Make the file executable: chmod ugo+x ftransfer.py
And copy it to /usr/local/bin (while renaming it to ftransfer):
cp ftransfer.py /usr/local/bin/ftransfer
If that fails, use: sudo cp ftransfer.py /usr/local/bin/ftransfer
(ce qui suit n'a pas été nécessaire pour moi)
If you are on Windows you will have to modify the first line of the ftransfer.py
script to point to your Python 3 installation and use the Windows way of making a script executable and put in in your $Path.
Now you can run ftransfer from any directory from the terminal by just running ftransfer
Now that you have ftransfer installed and running it should be accessible from any device from within your local network. For that, you need to know your local IP.
To find that out run ifconfig
if you are on UNIX or ipconfig
if you are on Windows.
Note your IP adress (let's say it is
Now you can connect from any device on the local network (that has a web browser) by just navigating to:
To stop the server just hit ctrl+c.(as any python script)