This page describes various light settings supported by ESPurna. 🔴 **WARNING** When setting channels, be careful not to override any of the GPIO used for flash - this would normally render your board unresponsive and you would need to re-flash it using USB programmer, which is not always convenient. # Lights ## PWM aka DIMMER See [PWM page for more info]( When using `LIGHT_PROVIDER_DIMMER`, use PWM configuration to fine-tune the hardware output. ## Channels ESPurna supports up to 5 individual "channels" by defining `LIGHT_CHANNELS={0..5}`. With 1 or 2 channels, first one is considered Warm White. Second one is Cold White. If 3 or more channels are configured, first 3 will be configured as RGB and the last 2 will be Warm White and Cold White respectively. Usual configurations are: | **Number of channels**| **Color configuration** | |--- | --- | | **1** | WARM WHITE| | **2** | WARM WHITE + COLD WHITE | | **3** | RGB | | **4** | RGB + WARM WHITE (aka RGBW) | | **5** | RGB + WARM WHITE + COLD WHITE (aka RGBWW) | ## Terminal | Command | description | | --- | --- | |**brightness** <value>|Sets RGB brightness (only for lights)| |**channel** <id> <value>|Sets value for channel #id (only for lights)| |**color** <value>|Sets RGB color (only for lights)| |**kelvin**|Sets the temperature color in Kelvin (only for lights)| |**mired**|Sets the temperature color in Mired (only for lights)| ## Settings |Key|Description|Possible values|Default value| | --- | --- | --- | --- | |brightness|Brightness value|0 to 255|255| |ch#|Value for the n-th channel|0 to 255|0| |useColor|Use first 3 channels for RGB|0 (no) or 1 (yes)|1 (yes)| |useGamma|Use gamma correction for color channels|0 (no) or 1 (yes)|0 (no)| |useWhite|Use white channel if all 3 RGB have the same value|0 (no) or 1 (yes)|0 (no)| |useRGB|Use first three channels as color channels (only if light has at least 3 ch)|0 (no) or 1 (yes)|1 (yes)| |useTransitions|Use color transitions|0 (no) or 1 (yes)|1 (yes)| |lightColdMired|153..500|LIGHT_COLDWHITE_MIRED=153| |lightWarmMired|153..500|LIGHT_WARMWHITE_MIRED=500| --- ## Build-time configuration | **Option** | **Note** | | --- | --- | | `LIGHT_MIN_VALUE={0..255}` | | | `LIGHT_MAX_VALUE={0..255}` | | | `LIGHT_MIN_BRIGHTNESS={0..255}` | | | `LIGHT_MAX_BRIGHTNESS={0..255}` | | | `LIGHT_COLDWHITE_MIRED=153` | Default value should be changed if the light has different limits! | | `LIGHT_WARMWHITE_MIRED=500` | Default value should be changed if the light has different limits! | | `LIGHT_USE_WHITE={0,1}` | Use 4th channel independently (`0`) or include it in brightness calculation (`1`) | | `LIGHT_USE_CCT={0,1}` | Use both white channels. Depends on `USE_WHITE` | | `LIGHT_USE_GAMMA={0,1}` | Use gamma table instead of using RGB channel values directly | | `LIGHT_USE_TRANSITIONS={0,1}` | Gradually scale channel value instead of changing it right away | | `LIGHT_TRANSITION_STEP=10` | (ms) | | `LIGHT_TRANSITION_TIME=500` | (ms) | | `LIGHT_STEP=...` | How much to scale channel value with each "step" of the transition | ### Providers To change the current provider, set the `LIGHT_PROVIDER` flag. | | | |--- | --- | | **Light provider** | Build flag | | [Basic dimmer](#dimmer) | `LIGHT_PROVIDER_DIMMER` (default) | | [my92xx](#my92xx) | `LIGHT_PROVIDER_MY92XX` | #### Dimmer This will enable support for generic dimmer, where each channel is controlled via PWM on specified GPIO pins. Current channel value (ranging from `0` to `255`) will be scaled to the appropriate PWM frequency (`MIN_PWM` and `MAX_PWM`). | **Option** | **Note** | | --- | --- | | `LIGHT_CH#_PIN` | | | `LIGHT_MIN_PWM={0..10000}` | | | `LIGHT_MAX_PWM={0..10000}` | | | `LIGHT_LIMIT_PWM=LIGHT_MAX_PWM` | | |**Key**|Description|Possible values|Default value| | --- | --- | --- | --- | |ltDimmerGPIO#|GPIO pin for channel #|0-5,12-15|`LIGHT_CH1_PIN` for channel 0, `LIGHT_CH2_PIN` for channel 1 etc.| |ltDimmerInv#|Invert values when setting PWM|0 (no) or 1 (yes)|0 (no)| --- #### my92xx Enable support of MY9291 and MY9231. Options are taken from the [my92xx library](, please reference it's documentation. | **Option** | **Note** | | --- | --- | | `MY92XX_MODEL` | `MY92XX_MODEL_MY9231` or `MY92XX_MODEL_MY9291` | | `MY92XX_CHIPS=` | | | `MY92XX_DI_PIN=` | | | `MY92XX_DCKI_PIN=` | | | `MY92XX_COMMAND=MY92XX_COMMAND_DEFAULT` | | | `MY92XX_MAPPING=` | Map hardware channels to software ones | ---