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Releases: xiaoschannel/DFTBAGen

Proof of Concept: Processing word lists and generating random sentences

20 Aug 00:34
Choose a tag to compare

dftbagen_v0 1-alpha

You can use this to generate random DFTBA initialisms from about 98 thousand possible combinations of template "Don't forget to verb noun". This version is largely just proving this could work -- it's only works with this one template.

The next step will be establishing a template format. The template will be in plain text (cough_XML_cough), so you can copy it from other places and use it in the generator. The template format will then be expanded to support more features.A template editor (GUI, duh) is also planned after basic template features have been implemented.

You can find designs for GUI and random word options under the "designs" folder.

If you have any suggestions or comments, definitely leave them below!