Library for working with Telegram API.
Languages: C++20
Build systems: CMake, Make
Libraries: libcurl, nlohmann/json, magic_enum
Create documentation with doxygen
doxygen doxygen.conf
cd documentation/html
# open index.html file
It will be deployed soon
- Create a build directory and navigate into it
mkdir build
cd build
- Build a project with cmake
cmake ..
sudo make install
# if possible use -j4 with make
#include <Zola/Zola.hpp>
using namespace Zola;
int main(int argc, char*argv[]){
// Create a bot with your token
auto& bot = Bot::init("7047048031:AAEbb5yTcq5Gd86ecYjnsUg2Qore3pgAAzg");
// Add handler on any messages
bot.getEventHandler().getMessageHandler().addAny([&](const Objects::Message& msg){
// Send a message which bot received
bot.getAPI().sendMessage(msg.text.value_or("It is not message"),;
try {
// Run a bot;
} catch (const std::exception& ex){
std::cerr << ex.what();
return 1;
return 0;