This is 1000 nodes graph that I used d3.forcelayout(v4).
You can run this project using Xampp, Wamp or any other servers.
D3.v4 force (d3-force)
D3 4.0 is a collection of modules that are designed to work together; you can use the modules independently, or you can use them together as part of the default build. Force-directed graph layout using velocity Verlet integration.
- d3.forceSimulation - create a new force simulation.
- simulation.restart - reheat and restart the simulation’s timer.
- simulation.stop - stop the simulation’s timer.
- simulation.tick - advance the simulation one step.
- simulation.nodes - set the simulation’s nodes.
- simulation.alpha - set the current alpha.
- simulation.alphaMin - set the minimum alpha threshold.
- simulation.alphaDecay - set the alpha exponential decay rate.
- simulation.alphaTarget - set the target alpha.
- simulation.velocityDecay - set the velocity decay rate.
- simulation.force - add or remove a force.
- simulation.find - find the closest node to the given position.
- simulation.on - add or remove an event listener.
- force - apply the force.
- force.initialize - initialize the force with the given nodes.
- d3.forceCenter - create a centering force.
- center.x - set the center x-coordinate.
- center.y - set the center y-coordinate.
- d3.forceCollide - create a circle collision force.
- collide.radius - set the circle radius.
- collide.strength - set the collision resolution strength.
- collide.iterations - set the number of iterations.
- d3.forceLink - create a link force.
- link.links - set the array of links.
- - link nodes by numeric index or string identifier.
- link.distance - set the link distance.
- link.strength - set the link strength.
- link.iterations - set the number of iterations.
- d3.forceManyBody - create a many-body force.
- manyBody.strength - set the force strength.
- manyBody.theta - set the Barnes–Hut approximation accuracy.
- manyBody.distanceMin - limit the force when nodes are close.
- manyBody.distanceMax - limit the force when nodes are far.
- d3.forceX - create an x-positioning force.
- x.strength - set the force strength.
- x.x - set the target x-coordinate.
- d3.forceY - create an y-positioning force.
- y.strength - set the force strength.
- y.y - set the target y-coordinate.