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Provide services to store and retrieve assemblies dependencies


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Dependencies Graph Services

License: MIT .NET Core Quality Gate Status

Dependencies Graph Services provides Apis to store and retrieve assemblies and these dependencies. behind service, a Neo4j database ensures graph storage.

Analyse can be realized with Dependencies Viewer and sending to Dependencies Graph with a specific export plugin.

Linked repositories

Project Build State
Dependencies Viewer Build
Export plugins Build


Functional features:

  • Import Assembly definitions
  • Retrieve assemblies
  • Managed partial assembly (assembly not found during analysis)
  • Managed Software (assembly with a main method)
  • Authentication with keycloak

Technical features:

  • Transactions
  • Swagger to view REST APIs
  • Docker

Docker container

This image is base on Linux.

You can configure container by setting environment variables.

Configuration file Environment variable Comment default value Example
ForceHttpsRedirection ForceHttpsRedirection Activate https redirection false
GraphConfig.Uri GraphConfig__Uri Uri for neo4j connection bolt://localhost
GraphConfig.User GraphConfig__User neo4j user
GraphConfig.Password GraphConfig__Password neo4j user password
Security.Enabled Security__Enabled Activate Authentication false
Security.Oidc.ClientId Security__Oidc__ClientId ClientId to validate token graph-rest
Security.Oidc.Authority Security__Oidc__Authority Authority to validate token
Security.Swagger.ClientId Security__Swagger__ClientId ClientId to logon from swagger (default value)
Security.Swagger.ClientSecret Security__Swagger__ClientSecret ClientSecret to logon from swagger (default value)
Security.RoleMappings Security__RoleMappings Map Keycloak rights to application rights [ { "Server": "read-serve", "App": "read" } ]

Like all code applications, you can customize host configuration.


Name Secured routes
read /api/assembly/search, /api/assembly
write /api/assembly/add

Volumes exposed by container:

Name Description
logs Log files location

Ports exposed by Container:

Name Description
80 HTTP port for web site
443 HTTPS port for web site

You can start a Dependencies Graph Service container like this:

docker run \
    --publish=5001:80 \

When service is running, you can go to swagger page pour explore services

If you need force https on service, you can use the following command sample:

docker run \
     --publish 5000:80 \
     --publish 5001:443 \
     --env ForceHttpsRedirection=true \
     --env ASPNETCORE_URLS="http://+:80;https://+:443" \
     --env ASPNETCORE_HTTPS_PORT=5001 \
     --env ASPNETCORE_Kestrel__Certificates__Default__Password="<certificate-password>" \
     --env ASPNETCORE_Kestrel__Certificates__Default__Path=/https/<certificate-name> \ 
     --volume <certificate-path>:/https/ \


This project has tooling for Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code.

Visual Studio Code

The project is configured to work with the Remote Development plugin. With VS Code, you can open the workspace directory in a container (from and work inside.

VS Code launch Two containers when you open workplace

  • Development container
  • neo4j Container

Some plugins are automatically installed on VS Code for the development session. Now plugins added are:

  • C# (ms-dotnettools.csharp)
  • Debugger for Chrome (msjsdiag.debugger-for-chrome)

You can run application with following code (in VS Code Terminal):

/workspace# dotnet restore
/workspace# dotnet run --project Dependencies.Graph.Api/Dependencies.Graph.Api.csproj

After build, you can open a navigator in your local computer and navigate to


Visual Studio

The solution contains a docker-compose project to run from visual studio:

  • Container with the software compiled for the container (Linux)
  • neo4j container

To start a debugging session, define docker-compose project as the startup project for the solution and start Visual Studio debugger. A navigator should be launch with the application start page.

Database schema

In a graph database, the schema is defined by node (and labels associated) and relations between nodes


For this project we have one node for a specif version of assembly. The assembly full name (ex: Dependencies.Viewer.App, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null) is used as node unique key.


  • Reference: represents a reference between two assemblies


  • Assembly: represents an assembly version (assembly full name is used as a key)
  • Software: Additional label for assembly with a main method
  • Partial: an additional label for assembly not found during dependencies analyses (missing assembly or another version is used when program use assembly)