Release Notes - Version 6.0.0
- [KRIPTON-294] - parentEntity does not work with id with alias
- [KRIPTON-301] - Sometimes java.lang.IllegalStateException: attempt to re-open an already-closed object #14
- [KRIPTON-302] - Rename DateMillisecondsTypeAdapter in DateTime2LongTypeAdapter and DateMillisecondsTypeAdapter into Date2LongTypeAdapter #13
- [KRIPTON-303] - Table alias must be checked
- [KRIPTON-304] - Logger message must handle null message #11
- [KRIPTON-309] - Custom bean does not match correctly fields when custom bean has less field than original one
- [KRIPTON-312] - Improve multithread connection management.
- [KRIPTON-314] - Some problems on multithread usage.
- [KRIPTON-315] - Custom bean (immutable or not) used in SQL query does not have to contains id field #20
- [KRIPTON-317] - Wrong binding on
- [KRIPTON-322] - Generated content provider does not compile (updateWithOnConflict) #23
- [KRIPTON-324] - Wrong binding on
- [KRIPTON-328] - com.abubusoft.kripton.processor.exceptions.UnsupportedFieldTypeException: Unsupported type 'java.lang.Object' is used #18
- [KRIPTON-298] - Improved compatibility with JetPack migration
- [KRIPTON-300] - Add some junit test for annotation processor
- [KRIPTON-305] - add registryChange for force live data invalidation on specific dao during transaction, batch operations and normal operation.
- [KRIPTON-306] - Add printStackTrace on Exception during json managed field persistence operations
- [KRIPTON-308] - Table alias must be checked to avoid duplicates
- [KRIPTON-313] - Kripton Converter must throws an exception if something went wrong
- [KRIPTON-316] - Update Jackson to version 2.9.6
- [KRIPTON-319] - Custom bean (immutable or not) used in SQL query does not have to contains id field
- [KRIPTON-320] - check on column name and table names: avoid sql keywords
- [KRIPTON-326] - Custom bean (immutable or not) used in SQL query does not have to contains id field #20
- [KRIPTON-327] - check on column name "order" and other SQL keywords: must be avoided #19
New Feature
- [KRIPTON-297] - Add total Elements to paged result
- [KRIPTON-318] - Add "kripton.log" as Annotation Processor parameter
- [KRIPTON-325] - Add "kripton.log" as Annotation Processor parameter #21
- [KRIPTON-299] - Retrofit update to 2.5.0 vesrion
- [KRIPTON-307] - Rename DateMillisecondsTypeAdapter in DateTime2LongTypeAdapter and DateMillisecondsTypeAdapter into Date2LongTypeAdapter
- [KRIPTON-310] - [BREAKING CHANGE] Change Generated Asynctask interface: removed throws Throwable from onExecute method
- [KRIPTON-311] - [BREAKING CHANGE] Generated Asynctask # onExecute method does not open connection automatically anymore
- [KRIPTON-321] - [BREAKING] Change @BindTransaction into @BindSqlTransaction
- [KRIPTON-323] - Add java.version support to java8 for sqlite-test-library