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a bit of everything

This repo is for algorithms, faculty code, or generally for side projects that don't need yet a dedicated repo.


Here are 3 types of work:

  • standalone folders - for now, only arduino/ stuff (includes labs from faculty Arduino course)
  • code folders - interesting aspects, starter code ... - code-*/
  • faculty code folders - implemented algorithms, homeworks - FII-*/

Obs: Everything else will be put in misc/ folder (at least while there is no need for a dedicated folder)

Computer Science Coursework Folders

Folder Year Course name (RO) Course name (EN)
FII-year1sem2-FAI Undergrad, 1st year, Spring Fundamentele Algebrice ale Informaticii (FAI) Algebraic Foundations of Computer Science (AFCS)
FII-year1sem2-PA Undergrad, 1st year, Spring Proiectarea Algoritmilor (PA) Algorithm Design (AD)
FII-year1sem2-SO Undergrad, 1st year, Spring Sisteme de Operare (SO) Operating Systems (OS)
FII-year2sem1-RC Undergrad, 2nd year, Fall Retele de Calculatoare (RC) Computer Networks (NET)
FII-year2sem2-IP Undergrad, 2nd year, Spring Ingineria Programarii (IP) Programming Engineering (PE)
FII-year2sem2-PA Undergrad, 2nd year, Spring Programare Avansata (PA) Advanced Computer Programming (ACP)
FII-year2sem2-TW Undergrad, 2nd year, Spring Tehnologii Web (TW) Web Technologies (Web)
FII-year3sem1-IA Undergrad, 3rd year, Fall Inteligenta Artificiala (IA) Artificial Intelligence (AI)
FII-year3sem1-ML Undergrad, 3rd year, Fall Invatare Automata (ML) Machine Learning (ML)
FII-year3sem1-RN Undergrad, 3rd year, Fall Retele Neuronale (RN) Neural Networks (NN)
FII-year3sem1-SI Undergrad, 3rd year, Fall Securitatea Informatiei (SI) Information Security (IS)
FII-year3sem2-CC Undergrad, 3rd year, Spring Cloud Computing (CC) Cloud Computing (CC)
FII-year3sem2-CN Undergrad, 3rd year, Spring Calcul Numeric (CN) Numerical Calculus (CC)
FII-year3sem2-GPC Undergrad, 3rd year, Spring Grafica pe calculator (GPC) Computer Graphics (CG)
FII-year3sem2-PDJ Undergrad, 3rd year, Spring Proiectarea si Dezvoltarea Jocurilor (PDJ) Game Design & Development (GDD)
FII-year3sem2-PMSOF Undergrad, 3rd year, Spring Programare MS Office (PMSOF) MS Office Programming (MS Office)