A spigot plugin that lets you customize head recipes for custom heads
This plugin adds a new command /head. It opens a inventory in that you can craft heads.
This plugin has no heads by default, but you can fully customize the recipes using a config file.
When you want to craft a head type /heads in the chat. An gui opens up:
To craft a head, just click at it. If you have the correct items in your inventory you'll be given the head.
As you can see also all player heads of all seen players on the server are craftable.
A recipe is notated as json:
"result": "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMWZhNThiNGE0MzMwOWM0YWJiNGVkMzU1NDQ4NmZkMWJiOTUyY2MyNmFmMDlkZTZiYmRmNDYxZDMwNDkzMGU4MyJ9fX0=",
"name": "Candied Apple",
"ingredients": {
"APPLE": 1,
"SUGAR": 1
is the minecraft head data, name
is the shown name in the interface and ingredients
is an array of materials assigned to their amount.
An array of such objects is stored in the ./plugins/HeadCraft/recipes.json file that is created on first server start.
I also made a webcrawler for minecraft-heads.com
that automatically creates a recipe.json for you.
It is written in python using PyQt5. You can find the source in /crawler/
As you can see, you only have to paste in the minecraft-heads.com url and the crawler requests the site and extracts the B64-String and the head name. Now you only have to add the ingredients and you have your output json.
Optionally you can open a recipe.json file using the "Select File" Button and append the recipe using the "Add to File" Button.
Note: the "tags"
key that you can see is not required. Maybe I'll add a feature to the plugin later that allows you to filter heads by tags.