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Next.js starter template

  • Next.js
  • TypeScript
  • ESLint
  • Prettier
  • Jest
  • Storybook
  • MSW
  • Scaffdog
  • Google Analytics


I assume this boilerplate being used in OOUI-aware prototyping. So you would develop like this.

  1. Define the type of model (or Object in OOUI) is @/types (@/ means /src/ here)
  2. Create a mock data that follows the model
  3. Create UI components under @/components/model

And scaffdog will help you a lot. See here!

├── .github
    └── workflows
├── .husky
├── .scaffdog
├── .storybook
├── .vscode
├── e2e
├── jest
├── mocks
├── public
└── src
    ├── components
    │   ├── model # components related to models
    │   ├── page # components which represents page
    │   └── ui # components indifferent to models
    ├── lib # wrapped npm packages
    ├── mocks # mock data related to models
    ├── models # type definition of models
    ├── pages
    │   └── api
    ├── styles
    └── types # type definition of libs



You can quickly start development with these commands.

# package install

# start localhost
yarn dev

# start storybook
yarn sb


Scaffdog help us by generaing a template of project folder. I already set some commands and the following is a description of those commands. See also official document of scaffdog.

Create a new model

When you create a new model, use this command at first.

npx scaffdog generate m

Then, scaffdog will ask you some questions. This is an example of creating Student model.

? Please select the output destination directory. . # Choose root(.)
? Please enter model name student # Enter model name. Multiple words are also fine.

🐶 Generated 2 files!

     ✔ src/types/Student.ts
     ✔ src/mocks/Student.ts

The template which would be generated is here. You can customize this file.

Create a new component related to model

When you create a new component related to model, and...

① when the component describes single of model, use this command at first.

npx scaffdog generate mcs

Then, scaffdog will ask you some questions. This is an example of creating Student List Component, which is related to Student model.

? Please select the output destination directory. . # Choose root(.)
? Which model? student # Enter model name. Multiple words are also fine.
? Plese enter component name student # Enter component name. Multiple words are also fine.

🐶 Generated 3 files!

     ✔ src/components/model/Student/Student/index.ts
     ✔ src/components/model/Student/Student/StudentList.tsx
     ✔ src/components/model/Student/Student/StudentList.stories.tsx
     ✔ src/components/model/Student/Student/StudentList.test.tsx

② when the component describes list of model, use this command at first.

npx scaffdog generate mcl

Then, scaffdog will ask you some questions. This is an example of creating Student List Component, which is related to Student model.

? Please select the output destination directory. . # Choose root(.)
? Which model? student # Enter model name. Multiple words are also fine.
? Plese enter component name student list # Enter component name. Multiple words are also fine.

🐶 Generated 3 files!

     ✔ src/components/model/Student/StudentList/index.ts
     ✔ src/components/model/Student/StudentList/StudentList.tsx
     ✔ src/components/model/Student/StudentList/StudentList.stories.tsx
     ✔ src/components/model/Student/StudentList/StudentList.test.tsx

The template which would be generated is here. You can customize this file.

Create a new page component

When you create a new page component, use this command at first.

npx scaffdog generate pc

Then, scaffdog will ask you some questions. This is an example of creating About page component.

? Please select the output destination directory. . # Choose root(.)
? Please enter component name about # Enter component name. Multiple words are also fine.

🐶 Generated 4 files!

     ✔ src/components/page/About/index.ts
     ✔ src/components/page/About/Page.tsx
     ✔ src/components/page/About/View.tsx
     ✔ src/components/page/About/About.stories.tsx
     ✔ src/components/page/About/About.test.tsx

The template which would be generated is here. You can customize this file.

Create a new ui component

When you create a new component indifferent to model, use this command at first.

npx scaffdog generate uc

Then, scaffdog will ask you some questions. This is an example of creating Button component.

? Please select the output destination directory. . # Choose root(.)
? Please enter component name button # Enter component name. Multiple words are also fine.

🐶 Generated 2 files!

     ✔ src/components/ui/Button/index.tsx
     ✔ src/components/ui/Button/Button.stories.tsx
     ✔ src/components/ui/Button/Button.test.tsx

The template which would be generated is here. You can customize this file.