The sole goal of this fork is keeping a working version of the phusion base image FROM ubuntu 12.04 (precise). The official phusion/baseimage moved to ubuntu 14.04 (thrusty) since version 0.9.10.
This fork wil mirror the versions released by phusion, starting from 0.9.12.
To look around in the image, run:
docker run --rm -t -i wwestenbrink/baseimage-ubuntu-12:<VERSION> /sbin/my_init -- bash -l
where <VERSION>
is one of the baseimage-docker version numbers.
You don't have to download anything manually. The above command will automatically pull the baseimage-docker-ubuntu-12 image from the Docker registry.
Follow the instruction provided by phusion base image
Just replace the line:
FROM phusion/baseimage:<VERSION>
FROM wwestenbrink/baseimage-ubuntu-12:<VERSION>