A lisp file using company-mode to complete english words. An other version can complete the english words and display the meaning in Chinease.
It defines a words constant list by 'defconst'. And define a company backend to complete English words. It only needs company mode. Do not require ispell or orther program.
Put company-words.el file in a path you like, for example "~/Dropbox/Emacs/".
Add the below command in your .emacs file to load it.
(load "~/Dropbox/Emacs/company-words")
Put company-words-discn.el file in a path you like, for example "~/Dropbox/Emacs/".
Add the below command in your .emacs file to load it.
(load "~/Dropbox/Emacs/company-words-discn")
Then using M-x company-en-words-enable RET, to enable English word company.
Using M-x company-en-words-disable RET, to disable English word company.
You also can using (add-to-list 'company-backends 'company-en-words) in the .emacs after load to enable it in all mode.
But, this backend will make a lot of other backends cannot work because it match so much imput, so it is not recommended.
English-words.txt: the file includes over 72,000 English words. en_cn.txt: the file inlclude voer 24,000 English words with Chinese meaning. These two files are not required for company mode. Just for reference.
create_company_words.py: a python file to generate the "company-words.el" file from "English-words.txt" file. It is not requried for emacs. Just for reference. create_company_words-2.py: a python file to generate the "company-words-discn.el" file from "English-words.txt" file. It is not requried for emacs. Just for reference.