This project is submission for Hackathon: LUKSO Build UP! #1 DAO Voting Key Manager For UP Based DAO And Interface task.
Working dApp:
Video Presentation: Youtube
Done by Wojciech Rybakiewicz
DAO Voting Manager provides on chain voting mechanism being equivalent of LSP6KeyManager for DAOs.
It's build on top of the Universal Profile - used for holding DAO assets. For governance each DAO Voting Manager contract uses its own token compliant with LSP7DigitalAsset.
Token holders are allowed to create and vote for DAO proposals - e.g. transferring LYXt, DAO governance token or interacting with any other smart contract. There is time to vote for proposals - specified during deploying contract. After time to vote the proposal can be executed - if passed, or if failed - deposit to create proposal is returned to its creator.
DAO Voting Manager is designed to be easy plug and play tool for DAOs that needs on-chain voting.
- Frontend app
- Smart Contract being equivalent of LSP6 - Key Manager for DAOs
- Backend aggregating data for Frontend app
To interact with Dapp user needs to have UP Browser Extension set up.
Deploying DAO Voting Manager requires providing DAO governance token address compliant with LSP7DigitalAsset which will be used for voting in DAO.
User needs to provide:
- DAO name
- Governance Token Address - token compliant with LSP7DigitalAsset that will be used for governance
- Number of tokens to create proposal - number of governance tokens to create proposal in DAO
- Minimum tokens to execute proposal - minimum number of governance tokens that are required to be voted on 'Yes' to proposal to pass
- Proposal time to vote - time to voters to vote on proposal - after which it's failed or can be executed
DAO Voting Manager for particular DAO can be found by address or be chosen from list of all DAO Voting Managers.
Overview section - shows all DAO Voting Manager details, governance contract details and balances of DAO Universal Profile.
Deposit section - to participate in governance - DAO governance token holders needs to deposit tokens to DAO Voting Manager contract. Those funds can be withdrawn in Withdraw section. The reasons for this design are described below in Proposal spam and double voting prevention section.
Withdraw section - after participating in governance, governance token holders can withdraw their tokens from contract. Funds can be withdrawn after ending of last proposal that user voted on or created.
Proposals section - contains list of ongoing and historical proposals.
DAO governance token holders can vote on proposals. For proposal to pass it needs more 'Yes' than 'No' votes and minimum of 'Yes' votes set in 'Minimum tokens to execute proposal' property during DAO Voting Manager contract deployment.
In Proposals section token holders can also create new Proposals - to create one there is required a deposit of governance tokens, which number is defined when deploying contract. Those tokens are locked until proposal end and are returned to user after execution or if failed - creator can use 'Get deposit back' button on proposal.
Execution of successful proposal can be done after vote time if proposal passed. It can be done one time and can be indicated by anyone by clicking 'Execute' button.
After execution proposal changes state to 'Executed' - if executed without errors or 'Execution failed' - if proposed transaction failed. This may happen when network change its state during voting time - e.g. tokens were already transferred to some other address.
Proposal spam and double voting prevention
To prevent voting more than one time with the same tokens DAO members needs to deposit their tokens as described above.
Another mechanism preventing malicious DAO members from creating huge number of proposals is requirement of governance token deposit when creating proposal. This deposit tokens are not participating in voting and are returned afterwards as described above.
DaoVotingManager is smart contract that is deployed on frontend 'Deploy' section and providing all functions to dApp:
- deposit
- withdraw
- createProposal
- vote
- finalize
- getProposals
- getPossibleWithdrawTime
There are also mock contracts implementing LSP7DigitalAsset used as example governance token in DaoVotingManager contract
- LSP7DigitalAssetMockERC20
- LSP7DigitalAssetMock
They are used in unit tests and for manual testing and presentation purposes in dApp.
Frontend is React app that connects with DaoVotingManager contract and its LSP7DigitalAsset governance token contract.
It also uses AWS lambdas for better UX - having 'All DAOs list' in 'Manage' section.
Backend contains of 2 AWS Lambdas that aggregates 'DAO Voting Manager list' data for frontend app in PostgreSQL database.
- addDaoByTxHash - based on transaction hash saves newly deployed DAO Voting Manager contract address with its details
- getDaos - returns all DAO Voting Managers contract addresses with details (so frontend users can easily access them without providing exact contract address)