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Dragonfly Developer Workstation Install Manual

Dragonly BSD Install Notes

  • If the Dragonfly pkg manager ever asks to delete everything and install libressl say No!

  • You need two FAT32 formatted USB drives, one for the install, the other for this software

    • You can use BalenaEtcher to make your install drive
    • When copying to and from USB drives /mnt make sure to cp overwrite with cp -fR /mnt/harden-dragonflybsd $HOME
  • Use your FAT32 USB drive mount_msdos /dev/da8s1 /mnt , ls /mnt

  • cp -fR /mnt/harden-dragonflybsd $HOME the files to root home, using -f here to get into the habit.

  • Yes, the reboot stratgey is best on a physical laptop! Booting the kernel modules for smoothest operation, for pkg update purposes, and to be in habit, and ready, or already done kern.securelevel=1! This will not be needed after setup.

  • Always run the script from the repository base directory. Do not go until util and run it from there.

  • Fn-K allows to arrow and PgUp PgDown the console screen. Then Fn-K again to release.

  • Make sure to "Configure this System"

  • Set the time, date, and say yes to UTC clock, set your timezone.

  • Skip keyboard map, console font, and screen map

  • Add yourself as user during setup with permanent accurate information

    • Fill in the first 4 rows
  • Do NOT "Configure network interfaces"

  • Enter "Set Hostname/Domain"

    • Hostname is your nickname, no special characters, not starting with a number
    • Domain is localhost
    • Return to Main Menu, Reboot This Computer
    • Do NOT pull out the installation USB drive until "The operating system has halted"
    • Login as root, insert the FAT32 formatted USB drive with this software.
      • You will not see a prompt, that's ok just type mount_msdos /dev/da8s1 /mnt
    • cp -fR /mnt/harden-dragonflybsd ~
    • cd harden-dragonflybsd
    • util/thinkpad-t495-setup.csh , after Success, issue the reboot command
    • There are some pkg bugs in DF, if the software pkg management systems asks to upgrade or fix missing dependencies then select y
      • You may end up running the script twice after an error, this is unfortunately expected
  • Phase 2 setup

  • When you see this message do the following before rebooting:

    • Run this command: visudo
    • That will launch the VI editor. VI command for search is /
    • Type /root ALL <enter|returrn key>, then type o, then we're going replicate the line above but instead of using root we'll use the actual username you made during setup
    • your-user-name ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL
    • Quit and Write the changes at the same time by typing :x
    • Copy this software from root to your user
      • sudo cp -fR /root/harden-dragonflybsd /home/<your-user-name>
      • sudo chown -R <your-user-name> /home/<your-user-name>/harden-dragonflybsd
    • Reboot, login with your username, not root, and re-run script to continue setup
    • Run the script again from the repository base directory but use sudo
      • sudo util/thinkpad-t495-setup.csh Enter your password, not the root password for sudo permissions.
    • From now on you'll need to sudo util/thinkpad-t495-setup.csh, sudo reboot , sudo shutdown -p now
    • If anything went wrong, just keep running the script!
      • Dragonfly has quirks in the pkg system in 6.4 and it will sometimes conflict on openssl - libressl and sometimes will delete everything that depends on them automatically! Do not worry, just run the script again to fix this situation.

Awesome Window Manger (AwesomeWM)

  • Type startx to start your desktop

    • Ignore the .Xauthority at first run, this is normal
    • Ignore the .serverauth file does not exist this is normal.
      • Delete them all regularly or change file /usr/local/bin/startx directive to 0enable_xauth=0
  • If you want to turn off beeps type xset b off

  • When the terminal starts type gsettings set io.elementary.terminal.settings font 'Monoid Nerd Font 12' to match the rest of the theme or whatever Nerd Font you'd like.

  • Rarely, the trackpoint will get stuck, simply issue a reboot command.

  • Windows Key on the keyboard is called the "Mod" key

  • Quit a Window Mod-Shift-C

  • Mod-R Start any application, "Run" appears in the top system bar, type the full path to the binary or simply the app name if it's in system path already.

  • Terminal Command: io.elementary.terminal

  • Shutdown shutdown -p now command in terminal

  • Crash Restart: Mod-Shift-Q, Ctrl-Alt-Backspace wait 7 seconds, Ctrl-Alt-Delete

Firefox Block

  • For security and privacy, the network settings have been changed to block the 110+ servers that Mozilla uses to track browser activity.
  • It is recommended for the user the setup NextDNS Security to remove ads and malware, not uBlockOrigin.
  • Settings required in the URL about:config on first run!
  • %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  • <<<Firefox will render itself inoperative if you do not set these on first run!>>>
  • %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
    • dom.push.connection.enabled false
    • dom.push.enabled false
    • geo.enabled false
    • (Extra) intl.regional_prefs.use_os_locales true
    • (Extra) services.sync.prefs.sync.intl.regional._prefs.use_os_locates false

System Tools

  • Pre-Installed Languages

    • NPM + NodeJS

    • Rust

    • Luarocks

  • Enhanced Command Lines Tools

    • Enhanced file and directory find fd

      • Custom alias added to your .zshrc to not ignore dot files
      • fd <searchstring> / to search the whole drive.
    • Enhanced grep rg

      • Find text in files recursively in the current directory. rg <searchstring> / to search the whole drive.
  • Rust Language $HOME/.cargo/bin added to your user PATH

  • Quadhelion Engineering Dragonfly Status Dashboard

    • Just type dfs in your shell
      • WiFi Status

      • Current Internet IP Address sourced from the

      • Current DNS Server

      • Power type, either from 120v power adapter or from the laptop battery

      • Battery percentage

        • Alerts with two system beeps and warning icon with less than 10%
      • Current CPU Frequency taking into account sleep states, powerd, AMD ACPI

      • Current average CPU temperate of all CPU cores

        • Alerts with two system beeps and warning icon when above 85%
      • Current CPU utilization

      • Current free memory

      • Current used hard drive space


  • There are logged errors for /dev/card0 and Screens not being found.Tthis is normal for the Thinkpad external monitor drivers are not supported
  • There are logged errors in system mouse. This is normal and expected when the user disables either the trackpoint or the trackpad in the BIOS.
    • If the mouse does not work in Awesome, then reboot, it happens rarely, cause unknown.
    • Setup best for trackpoint
  • There is rarely trackpoint/pad glitching especially when in a new X session. This is just a glitch in Xorg with Trackpoints. All settings were used to reduce this behavior and should only happen very rarely.


  • omz help, omz theme <command>

  • Edit ./zshrc and uncommnet line 74, export LANG=en_US.UTF-8

  • git config oh-my-zsh.hide-status 1 for each directory, like $HOME, you don't want the git display prompt.

  • Create fd alias below the examples alias fd="fd -H"

  • There are uni-code characters present at the prompt when running as root in the system console, this is normal as root account need to the "C" locale and should not be changed.

  • It may start creating .zcompdump files in your directory because of missing paths used by compinit which you can set to explain the dump by locating the below function in /usr/local/share/ohmyzsh:

    if [[ "$ZSH_DISABLE_COMPFIX" != true ]] then

    and adding -w to all compinit flags to debug or use -D instead of -d to disable the .compdump. I found no adverse affects from disabling the dump.

AstroNvim *

  • Usenvim command with no file to let it setup, update, then quit :q!
  • If Treesitter cloning error:
    • cd ~/.local/share/nvim/lazy/
    • rm -rf nvim-treesitter
    • git clone
  • The Dragonfly versions avaible to build with do not properly render some of the Nerd Fonts.
  • Update :AstroUpdatePackages
  • Add a language :TSInstall ruby
  • Plug-In directory is ~/.local/share/nvim/lazy
  • Install new language :TSInstall rust
  • Update ~/.config/nvim/lua/plugins/telescope.lua to change the fzf in telescope-fzf-native.nvim to fzy instead of fzf and the vim.fn.executeable from make to cmake for both fields

IRC Client

  • Of the dozens of clients available very few still work, irssi and iris-fish(encryption module) are tested as working


Abiword is useful for viewing Office docs, but it always saves in it's own format .abw. You can always type in Asciidoc or Markdown in NVIM, but if you need to convert your Abiword files you can use or for free.

Quadhelion Engineering Markdown Preview Shell Function

Preview Markdown files in as they would appear in GitHub (with a QHE provided template) in Firefox with auto-generated Table of Contents for faster review.

Firefox may throw errors complaining that it cannot get your precise location, ignore!

Simply type mdp in your shell

Usage: mdp


Gives you an HTML copy of your markdown file as well. You can have the mdp function remove this file by editing the function.

File: ~/.zshrc

Append the following line at the end of function to delete HTML preview file: rm ${filepath}/${basename_toc}.html

Append the following line at the end of function to delete Markdown with Table of Contents file: rm ${filepath}/${filename_toc}

Firefox will automatically open file and show preview until cache refreshed or tab/window despite file deletion.

Markdown Format

QHE mdp z shell function uses MultiMarkdown format markdown_mmd which can be changed although this format was heavily tested to be the best:

Table of Contents Insertion and Format --maxdepth is set to only recognize ## markdown headings 2 but the default is 6, all subheadings.

The Table of Contents is auto-inserted at the line after the first single #, usually the main title of the document. If you wish to insert the TOC yourself remove the statement staring with printf and insert inside your markdown document where you would like it to appear before you run the mdp command

All changes in this function will not appear until you've exited the terminal and restarted it

The pandoc custom template by Quadhelion Engineering and Fabrizio Musacchio mimicing GitHub Markdown can be modified however you wish.

  • /usr/local/share/pandoc/data/templates/qhe-markdown.html