This repository hosts official Helm charts for Wrale projects. Our charts follow best practices for Kubernetes deployments and aim to be secure, maintainable, and user-friendly.
- Kubernetes 1.19+
- Helm 3.13.0+
- kubectl configured with access to your cluster
- Add the Wrale Helm repository:
helm repo add wrale
helm repo update
- View available charts:
helm search repo wrale
- Install a chart:
helm install my-release wrale/<chart-name>
- Clone the repository:
git clone
cd wrale-charts
- Install development dependencies:
- helm (v3.13.0+)
- helm-docs
- yamllint
- ct (chart-testing)
- Set up pre-commit hooks:
pre-commit install
- Create a new chart using our template:
cp -r charts/app-template charts/my-chart
Update chart files following our Chart Guidelines
Update documentation:
helm-docs -c charts/my-chart
- Test your chart:
ct lint --config .github/ct.yaml --charts charts/my-chart
ct install --config .github/ct.yaml --charts charts/my-chart
Our CI pipeline automatically runs:
- YAML linting
- Helm chart linting
- Chart installation tests
- Template validation
- Schema validation
- Lint your chart:
ct lint --config .github/ct.yaml --charts charts/my-chart
- Install and test chart:
ct install --config .github/ct.yaml --charts charts/my-chart
- Validate templates:
helm template --debug charts/my-chart
Update Chart.yaml with new version
Update following our guidelines
Submit a pull request with your changes
Upon merge to main:
- GitHub Actions will package the chart
- Chart will be published to GitHub Pages
- GitHub Release will be created automatically
- Helm repository index will be updated
See for guidelines.
See individual chart documentation in the charts/ directory.
- Create an issue for bug reports
- Start a discussion for questions
Apache License 2.0