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Max Ziebell edited this page Sep 11, 2020 · 26 revisions

Welcome to the Hype Cookbook!

This book is written as a wiki1 and is maintained on GitHub. Its goal is to collect all the little "gold nuggets" of wisdom found on the Hype Forum and educate designers to learn about all the possibilities Hype has to offer beyond its IDE. The forum can be visited at

This project is currently maintained by Max Ziebell and anybody willing to contribute to the wiki pages. Please check the sidebar or use the search function to find a topic of interest2.


Collision detection and Drag & Drop

Document, Layout and Scenes

Dynamic Data and Communication

Queries, Targeting and Selection

Canvas and Drawing


If you would like to make further suggestion please send your links to and check the page Edit the wiki.


1. to learn more about wikis please visit the GitHub documentation

 2. Note: the red links in the sidebar or in topics are pages yet to be created. Feel free to add them!

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