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Max Ziebell edited this page Jun 15, 2020 · 2 revisions

In most cases and specially for beginners the built-in text editor (based on another Tumult product called Whisk) is sufficient. It offers code highlighting and displays the possible API calls below the editor.

Edit Hype functions with your favorite text editor


But Hype introduced external code editing in version 4.x and allows you to use your favorite text editor. In the resource panel you're able to choose any text editor installed on your system that registered itself for text editing. In my case, I really like the commercial Sublime 3 and the open source VS Code.

Edit Head HTML with your favorite text editor

Using external editors is also possible for Head HTML in Hype. This feature isn't much advertised and a little hidden. The button to edit Head HTML can be option clicked (right clicked) and then shows the same dropdown to choose your text editor of choice. If you use an external editor on head HTML you can profit of many plugins and code completion for HTML, JavaScript and CSS.

Code completion for Visual Studio Code

For the later Tumult even offers a code completion bundle for API calls. The bundle can be found on Visual Studio Marketplace and is called Tumult Hype Snippets:


There is also a community post about this helper at:

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