- Free Knowledge Management System
- landing page and Online manual
- 日本語での質問は、以下のサイトに登録してください(海外からのアクセスが多くなったため)
- For questions in Japanese, please register below
- https://service-knowledge.support-project.org/
- https://test-knowledge.support-project.org
- Demo users
- [id/password] user1 / user1
- [id/password] user2 / user2
- [id/password] user3 / user3
- Please show the wiki page
- vulnerability testing with VAddy
- Clone this repository your local machine.
- From version 2, frontend module and backend module are divided.
- The backend module is the same as version 1.
- Therefore, starting only the backend module will have the same as version 1.
- In version 2 development,
- Start up in frontend, backend, and reverse proxy by Nginx.
- Start with docker & docker-compose.
- After starting all the modules, you can access to http://localhost for development.
$ docker-compose run --rm frontend npm install --no-optional
$ docker-compose run --rm frontend npm run afterinstall
- If the following error occurs, execute the this command
PhantomJS not found on PATH
$ docker-compose run --rm frontend npm install phantomjs-prebuilt@2.1.16 --ignore-scripts
$ docker-compose run --rm -p 8081:8081 frontend npm run dev
- If the following error occurs, execute the this command
Module build failed: Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, scandir '/usr/src/node_modules/node-sass/vendor
$ docker-compose run --rm frontend npm rebuild node-sass --force
$ docker-compose run --rm maven mvn clean package
$ docker-compose run --rm -p 8080:8080 tomcat
Otherwise, Run the following classes in IDE such as Eclipse or IntelliJ IDEA
$ docker-compose run --rm -p 80:80 nginx
$ docker-compose run --rm frontend npm run build
- Fronted module will generated to "frontend/dist" directory.
- Next, please copy this module's file to backend/src/main/webapp
- Then, Then you will run the build of Backend.
$ docker-compose run --rm maven mvn clean package
- 'knowledge.war' is builded in backend/target directory when this command finished succeed