Beta 9.1
Beta 9.1
New Features
- Shot Generator Generate a shot by typing a shot description. Generate as many as you like. Double click to insert into the light layer.
- Sketch Sprint Timer Manage your time!
- Timelapse recording While managing your time, Storyboarder can take a timelapse of your work!
- Drag and Drop Importing Import images by dragging them onto the window
- Added code signing for Windows Windows 10 users can install Storyboarder now!
- Export PDF of Boards
- Fixed some thumbnail bugs!
- Associated .storyboarder files with Storyboarder Double click the storyboarder files to open them in the app!
- Toolbar tweaks Works in small monitor sizes now.
- Optional autosave You can disable autosave in the prefs
- Added cut You can cut now with command + x
- Loading window Added feedback for loading
- Animated gifs show captions
- Many small bug fixes.
Known Bugs / Issues
- Still no pen pressure on Windows yet Waiting for a fix.
See prior beta Release Notes
Up Next...
- Worksheet Importing Take a picture of a printed worksheet with your phone, and import the boards automatically
- Very close to v1.0.0 release!