Interested in Kubernetes? Do you think how to get more independent from your cloud provider?
Kubernetes lets you to decouple your software from a cloud provider we are using. It becomes much easier to migrate your application from one provider to another. In my case, it was AWS to GCP. Still, having k8s, I can migrate back to the market leader (as in 2017) if needed.
- you can also check the pdf export - index.pdf
- a reveals.js presentation, clone/download the repo, and open with your browser
# ingress: cat kube-ingress-stag.yaml kubectl get ing -l app=api-status kubectl get svc -l app=api-status kubectl get deployments -l app=api-status kubectl get pods -l app=api-status kubectl get po -l implementation=nginx kubectl get po -lapp=api-status -o jsonpath="{}" kubectl scale --replicas=3 -f kube-nginx-stag.yaml kubectl get pods -l app=api-status kubectl get po -lapp=api-status -o jsonpath="{}" | tr ' ' '\n' kubectl scale --replicas=1 -f kube-nginx-stag.yaml # bash kubectl exec -it api-status-nginx-56c47986cf-lhzqp /bin/bash # service is injected into pod dns: > apt-get update; apt-get install curl -qq > curl api-status > exit # kill the tainted pod and create new one: kubectl delete po api-status-nginx-56c47986cf-lhzqp
# you need to have docker installed make give_me_pdf