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Add a date option. Comment code
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wlmb committed Apr 3, 2020
1 parent db05963 commit acb158b
Showing 1 changed file with 66 additions and 23 deletions.
89 changes: 66 additions & 23 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -6,17 +6,38 @@
use Getopt::Long;
use List::Util qw{sum0 none};

# Not sure if the site address or the name prefix will work allways. Check.
#Downloads address
my $site= "";
my $sheetname;
my $ids;
my $ws;
GetOptions("sheet=s"=>\$sheetname, "ids=s"=>\$ids, "ws=i"=>\$ws) or usage('Bad options');
usage("missing --sheet") unless defined $sheetname;
#File name. Notice orthograpic mistake. Might have to change.
my $nameprefix0="COVID-19-geographic-disbtribution-worldwide-";
my $nameprefix1="COVID-19-geographic-distribution-worldwide-";
my $sheetname; #user supplied and actual sheetname
my $date; #user supplied date
my $ids; #user supplied comma separated country codes
my $ws; #user supplied averaging window size
my $help; #help flag
GetOptions("sheet=s"=>\$sheetname, "date=s"=>\$date, "ids=s"=>\$ids,
"ws=i"=>\$ws, "help|?"=>\$help) or usage('Bad options');
# check options
usage() if $help;
usage("missing --sheet or --date") unless defined $sheetname or
defined $date;
usage("Only one of --sheet or --date allowed") if defined $sheetname
and defined $date;
usage("missing --ws") unless defined $ws;
usage("ws should be positive") unless $ws>0;
$ids=lc $ids;
my @ids=split /\s*,\s*/, $ids;
system "wget $site$sheetname" unless -r $sheetname;
usage("missing country ids") unless defined $ids;
$ids=lc $ids; #normalize to lower case
my @ids=split /\s*,\s*/, $ids; #get list of comma separated codes.
# possible sheet names (accounting for orthographic mistake above)
my ($sheetname0, $sheetname1)=map {"$_$date.xlsx"} ($nameprefix0,$nameprefix1) if defined $date;
# test each possible sheetname
foreach($sheetname, $sheetname0, $sheetname1){
next unless defined;
$sheetname=$_,last if -r $_; #already downloaded
$sheetname=$_,last if system("wget", "$site$_")==0; #download it
my $book=Spreadsheet::Read->new($sheetname) or die "Couldn't open spreadsheet";
my $sheet=$book->sheet(1);
my $maxcol=$sheet->maxcol;
Expand All @@ -25,31 +46,34 @@
#dateRep, day, month, year, cases, deaths, countriesAndTerritories,
#geoId, countryterritoryCode, popData2018
my %cols;
map {$cols{lc $colnames[$_]}=$_} (0..$maxcol-1);
map {$cols{lc $colnames[$_]}=$_} (0..$maxcol-1); #array of column names
#say "maxcol $maxcol maxrow $maxrow";
my %data;
for my $r(2..$maxrow){
my @row=$sheet->row($r);
my $geoid=lc $row[$cols{geoid}];
next if none {$_ eq $geoid} @ids;
#next unless $row[$cols{cases}];
next if none {$_ eq $geoid} @ids; #skip other countries
# one data array for each country
# each entry is an array of values: day month year cases deaths
push @{$data{$geoid}}, [map {$row[$cols{$_}]} qw(day month year cases deaths)];

for my $id(@ids){
for my $id(@ids){ #for each country
#writed one file per country
open (OUT, "> $id.txt") or die "Couldn't open $id.txt";
my @data=@{$data{$id}};
@data=reverse @data;
my @data=@{$data{$id}}; #country data
@data=reverse @data; #put in temporal order
my $totalcases=0;
my @recent; #keep a few for a moving window average
my @recent; #keep a fifo for the moving window average
my ($day, $month, $year, $cases, $deaths)=@$_;
push @recent, [($cases, $deaths)];
next if scalar @recent <=$ws;
shift @recent;
my @avg=map {my $i=$_; sum0(map {$_->[$i]} @recent)/@recent} (0,1);
say OUT join " ", $totalcases, @avg;
my ($day, $month, $year, $cases, $deaths)=@$_; #fetch data
$totalcases+=$cases; #accumulate
push @recent, [($cases, $deaths)]; #push into fifo
next if scalar @recent <=$ws; #wait for fifo to grow
shift @recent; #throw oldest
#average new cases and deaths
my @avg=map {my $i=$_; sum0(map {$_->[$i]} @recent)/@recent}(0,1);
say OUT join " ", $totalcases, @avg; #write to output file.

Expand All @@ -58,7 +82,26 @@
sub usage{
say @_;
say <<FIN;
GetOptions("sheet=s"=>\$sheetname, "ids=s"=>\$ids, "ws=>i"=>\$ws)
./ --date 2020-02-25 --ids=cn,de,es,it,jp,kr,mx,ru,us --ws=5
./ \
--sheet COVID-19-geographic-disbtribution-worldwide-2020-02-25.xlsx \
--ids=cn,de,es,it,jp,kr,mx,ru,us --ws=5
Extracts information about the COVID-19 pandemic
Downloads (if necessary) a data sheet from the European CDC and
extracts info for the desired countries and writes them into
country-named files such as cn.txt, es.txt, etc. in three columns:
total number of cases, averaged number of daily cases and averaged
number of deceases.
--sheet Filename of sheet to download
--date iso formatted date of the sheet to download
--ids Comma separated iso 2-letter country-codes of desired countries
--ws Size of the moving average window. 1 means don't average.
exit 1;

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