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Add ...ST::Haydock modules and tests
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wlmb committed Sep 22, 2024
1 parent fae2b11 commit 5e6d731
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Showing 5 changed files with 738 additions and 2 deletions.
192 changes: 192 additions & 0 deletions lib/Photonic/LE/ST/
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@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
package Photonic::LE::ST::Haydock;
$Photonic::LE::ST::Haydock::VERSION = '0.021';

=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
=head1 VERSION
version 0.021
Photonic - A perl package for calculations on photonics and
Copyright (C) 2016 by W. Luis Mochán
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301 USA
Instituto de Ciencias Físicas, UNAM
Apartado Postal 48-3
62251 Cuernavaca, Morelos

use Photonic::LE::S::Haydock;
my $nr=Photonic::LE::S::Haydock->new(epsilon=>$epsilon,
say $nr->iteration;
say $nr->current_a;
say $nr->next_b2;
my $state=$nr->next_state;
Implements calculation of Haydock coefficients and Haydock states for
the calculation of the non retarded dielectric function of arbitrary
periodic N component systems in arbitrary number of dimensions. One
Haydock coefficient at a time. Use k,-k spinors. MQ notes. Assume a
dielectric tensor as input, instead of a dielectric scalar.
Consumes L<Photonic::Roles::Haydock>, L<Photonic::Roles::UseMask>,
- please see those for attributes.
These are provided for roles:
=over 4
=item * geometry GeometryG0
A L<Photonic::Types/GeometryG0> object defining the geometry of the system,
the characteristic function and the direction of the G=0 vector. Required.
=item * B ndims dims r G GNorm L scale f
Accessors handled by geometry (see Photonic::Geometry)
=item * applyOperator($psi_G)
Apply the Hamiltonian operator to state in reciprocal space. State is
pm:nx:ny... The operator is the longitudinal dielectric response in
reciprocal-spinor space.
=item * innerProduct($left, $right)
Returns the inner (Euclidean) product between states in reciprocal and
spinor space.
=item * magnitude($psi_G)
Returns the magnitude of a state by taking the square root of the
inner product of the state with itself.
=item * changesign
Returns 0, as there is no need to change sign.
=item * complexCoeffs
Haydock coefficients are complex

use namespace::autoclean;
use PDL::Lite;
use PDL::NiceSlice;
use Carp;
use Photonic::Types -all;
use Photonic::Utils qw(SProd any_complex GtoR RtoG);
use Moo;
use MooX::StrictConstructor;

has 'geometry'=>(is=>'ro', isa => GeometryG0,
handles=>[qw(B ndims dims r G GNorm L scale f pmGNorm)],required=>1
has 'complexCoeffs'=>(is=>'ro', init_arg=>undef, default=>1,
documentation=>'Haydock coefficients are complex');
with 'Photonic::Roles::Haydock', 'Photonic::Roles::UseMask', 'Photonic::Roles::EpsFromGeometry';

#Required by Photonic::Roles::Haydock

sub _build_firstState { #\delta_{G0}
my $self=shift;
my $v=PDL->zeroes(2,@{$self->dims})->r2C; #pm:nx:ny
my $arg=join ',', ':', ("(0)") x $self->ndims; #(0),(0),... ndims+1 times
return $v;
sub applyOperator {
my $self=shift;
my $psi_G=shift;
my $mask=undef;
$mask=$self->mask if $self->use_mask;
confess "State should be complex" unless any_complex($psi_G);
#Each state is a spinor with two wavefunctions \psi_{k,G} and
#\psi_{-k,G}, thus the index plus or minus k, pm.
#Notation pm=+ or - k, xy=cartesian
#state is pmk:nx:ny... pmGnorm=xy:pmk:nx:ny...
#Multiply by vectors ^G and ^(-G).
#Have to get cartesian out of the way, thread over it and iterate
#over the rest
my $Gpsi_G=($psi_G*$self->pmGNorm->mv(0,-1))->mv(0,-1); #^G |psi>
#the result is complex nx:ny...i:pmk
# Notice that I actually multiply by unit(k-G) instead of
# unit(-k+G) when I use pmGNorm; as I do it two times, the result
# is the same.
#Take inverse Fourier transform over all space dimensions,
#thread over cartesian and pmk indices
#real space ^G|psi>
my $Gpsi_R=GtoR($Gpsi_G, $self->ndims, 0); # $Gpsi_R is nx:ny...i:pmk
# $self->epsilon is j:i:nx:ny...
#Multiply by the dielectric function in Real Space. Thread
#cartesian and pm indices
my $eGpsi_R= ( $self->epsilon # Epsilon is tensorial j:i:nx:ny...
* $Gpsi_R->mv(-2,0)->dummy(1) # j:i:nx:ny...:pmk
)->sumover #matrix product i:nx:ny...:pmk
#$eGpsi_R is nx:ny,...i:pmk
#Transform to reciprocal space
my $eGpsi_G=RtoG($eGpsi_R, $self->ndims, 0)->mv(-1,0);
#$eGpsi_G is pmk:nx:ny...:i
#Scalar product with pmGnorm: i:pm:nx:ny...
my $GeGpsi_G=($eGpsi_G*$self->pmGNorm->mv(0,-1)) #^Ge^G|psi>
# pmk:nx:ny...:i
# Move cartesian to front and sum over
->mv(-1,0)->sumover; #^G.epsilon^G|psi>
# $GeGpsi_G is pm:nx:ny. $mask=nx:ny
$GeGpsi_G=$GeGpsi_G*$mask->(*1) if defined $mask;
return $GeGpsi_G;
sub innerProduct {
#ignore self
return SProd($_[1], $_[2]);
sub magnitude {
my $self=shift;
my $psi=shift;
return $self->innerProduct($psi, $psi)->abs->sqrt;
sub changesign { #don't change sign
return 0;



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