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Jetbrains academy project to solve linear equations, calculate determinants and matrix inverse

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IDEA EDU Course ...

Implemented in the Java Core Track of' JetBrain Academy.

Main purpose of doing this project, is to practice some numerical mathematics and apply many new core topics of the Java Core track, which was at 85% applied core topics before project start.

Technology / External Libraries

  • POJO Java 18
  • own implementation of Complex class as immutable java record with double real and imaginary parts
  • Lombok' annotation processors,
  • Apache Log4j SLF4J API binding to Log4j 2 logging and
  • Junit 5 with
  • Mockito (mockito-inline) testing.

Repository Contents

The sources of main project tasks (5 stages) and the unit, mockito, spring testing.

Program description

Arbitrary systems of linear equations of any dimensions can be solved using the Gauss algorithm over the complex numbers. Input and output are taken from and written to file. (cf. the example formats under resources dir - esp. test-folder.) The input file has the format:

<#variables> <#equations>

<matrix row 1> -> in Complex format white space separated elements (real integer works too of course)


<matrix row #equations>

If the system of linear equations is contradictory, "No solutions" is printed to out file, if it has a non-trivial kernel. just "Infinitely many solutions" is output - otherwise the unique solution is printed line wise to the file. Input and output paths must be specified by command line arguments.

Have fun!

Project completion

Project was completed on 17.07.22.


26.06.22 Project started.

26.06.22 Stage 1 completed - few line main-method only.

28.06.22 Stage 2 completed, solving 2x2 linear equations, implemented with CommandLineReader, Matrix classes, 2x2 implementation of determinant and inverse of a square matrix, some matrix vector arithmatics.

03.07.22 Stage 3 completed, unique solvable (!) systems of linear equations of arbitrary dimension are now solved, by implementing the Gauss algorithm. Input and output are taken / written to file now. (cf. the example formats under resources dir.)

16.07.22 Stage 4 completed, arbitrary systems of linear equations of any dimensions can now be solved using the Gauss algorithm. Input and output are taken / written to file. (cf. the example formats under resources dir - esp. test-folder.) If the system of linear equations is contradictory, "No solutions" is printed to out file, if it has a non-trivial kernel. just "Infinitely many solutions" is output - otherwise the unique solution is printed line wise to the file. Input and output paths must be specified by command line arguments.

17.07.22 Final Stage 5 completed, all calculations, input parsing and output are now done using complex numbers. To achieve this, we implemented a Complex java immutable record. (Alternatively apache's common.math3 lib could have been used, but implementing and unit testing was nice practice). Improved property manager - might be useful in many contexts now...


Jetbrains academy project to solve linear equations, calculate determinants and matrix inverse







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