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Game Requirements

rmberriman edited this page Oct 19, 2018 · 3 revisions


Games that go beyond pure entertainment and focus on promoting specific concepts or skills are referred to as serious games. The game that is created must promote an aspect of Diversity and Inclusion, specifically Women in (software) engineering. This can be done through raising awareness, helping identify unconscious bias, building empathy, creative ways to promote diversity and inclusion and other resources.

Project Requirements

The overall game concept or story line has been kept open ended, with the requirements divided into three parts. The game should be appropriate for ages 12 and above, and should be respectful in general.

Basic Features

The game should have an engaging world layout to go along with the story line, this can include scenes, objects and non-playing characters. The game should have a clear objective and a central character. There should be various other characters with different mechanics such as actions, speech and movement.

Design Considerations and Code Quality

Levels must be completable within reasonable time frames, and the user interface and scoring system must be clear and intuitive to the users. There should be efficient resource consumption or performance, and repetitiveness should be avoided in the game.The game is required to adapt to different screen sizes to ensure that users with different devices will not be adversely affected. There should be a high quality of coding standards, comments, documentation, etc.

Design Features

From the list of design features, the following have been selected for 24/7 Solutions:

  • Achievement System
  • High Score Screen
  • Implement a 2.5D version of the game

Advanced Features

Only one advance feature should be attempted:

  • Local Multiplayer with Leaderboard
  • Level Generation (fixed level generation)
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