Simple plotting utility written in python for geoloc. Requires numpy and matplotlib and CartoPy.
It reads geoloc's --print-matrix
output from stdin, and plots the results
on a map.
Usage examples (assume mymsg.txt contains comma-separated features as input for geoloc):
Plot matrix on Europe map:
geoloc --classify --print-matrix mymsg.txt | ./ --europe
Plot on world map, projection is mercator:
geoloc --classify --print-matrix mymsg.txt | ./ --world --proj mercator
Plot on U.S. map, use contours instead of grid:
geoloc --classify --print-matrix mymsg.txt | ./ --us --contour
As previous, but output PDF:
geoloc --classify --print-matrix mymsg.txt | ./ --us --contour --output map.pdf
- MH20140406
- WB20230808