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Export MIMSetup

Dieter Schelkens edited this page Apr 23, 2019 · 1 revision


Export the source resources from a MIM-Setup to xml files in a CliXml format.


Export-MIMSetup [-ExportAll] [[-PathForExport] <String>] [-ExportSchema] [-ExportPolicy] [-ExportPortal] [[-XPathToSet] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]


Export the source resources from a MIM-Setup to xml files in a CliXml format to a certain path. The created files are used with the function Start-Migration when in the target MIM-Environment so resources can be compared between the two setups.



Ensure all the resources found in the source MIM-Setup are exported and converted to xml files in a CliXml format. For every object type (that has resources) a xml file will be created and saved to a certain path.

Property Value
Type SwitchParameter
Required false
Position named
Default value False
Accept pipeline input false


Optional parameter to declare a path where the folder, containing the configuration xml files, is saved. If this path is not declared, the folder will be saved in the Documents (MyDocuments) folder.

Property Value
Type String
Required false
Position 1
Default value
Accept pipeline input false


Ensure all the Schema resources found in the source MIM-Setup are exported and converted to xml files in a CliXml format. For every object type (that has resources) a xml file will be created and saved to a certain path.

Property Value
Type SwitchParameter
Required false
Position named
Default value False
Accept pipeline input false


Ensure all the Policy resources found in the source MIM-Setup are exported and converted to xml files in a CliXml format. For every object type (that has resources) a xml file will be created and saved to a certain path. Schema resources are also automatically retrieved and saved to xml files, certain resources require references to attributes from the Schema-configuration.

Property Value
Type SwitchParameter
Required false
Position named
Default value False
Accept pipeline input false


Ensure all the Portal resources found in the source MIM-Setup are exported and converted to xml files in a CliXml format. For every object type (that has resources) a xml file will be created and saved to a certain path.

Property Value
Type SwitchParameter
Required false
Position named
Default value False
Accept pipeline input false


Give the xpath to a custom set of objects. This will be created in a seperate xml file to be imported in the target MIM-Setup.

Property Value
Type String
Required false
Position 2
Default value
Accept pipeline input false


Export-MIMSetup -ExportAll

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