R4eco is a small R package designed to simplify ecological analyses by providing a range of functions for diverse tasks. While the package is continuously expanding, it currently includes functions for Renkonen's similarity index (S) calculation, bootstrap implementation, and convenient plotting of UPGMA dendrograms.
To install R4eco, use the following code:
# Install R4eco
# Load the package
# Plot linear prediction
lmerPredictionPlot(model = modelX)
is a lme4 model object. If you have any, take a look a ?lmerPredictionPlot
d <- data.frame(
Type = rep(c("Forest", "Regeneration", "Restoration"), each = 12),
Landscape = rep(paste0("L", 1:12), times = 3),
Mean_NDVI_SD_500 = rnorm(36, mean = 0.2, sd = 0.02),
hill_q0 = sample(5:14, 36, replace = TRUE),
Abundance = sample(5:50, 36, replace = TRUE)
modelX <- lme4::lmer(formula = hill_q0 ~ Mean_NDVI_SD_500 * Type + (1|Landscape), data = d)
You can edit the output of the function as any ggplot2 graph. Find below some suggestions
# Customizing plot with color and fill scales
lmerPredictionPlot(model = modelX) +
scico::scale_color_scico_d(palette = "batlow", begin = 0.1, end = 0.7) +
scico::scale_fill_scico_d(palette = "batlow", begin = 0.1, end = 0.7)
# Adding facet_wrap to the plot
lmerPredictionPlot(model = modelX) +
scico::scale_color_scico_d(palette = "batlow", begin = 0.1, end = 0.7) +
scico::scale_fill_scico_d(palette = "batlow", begin = 0.1, end = 0.7) +
To begin, you can generate sample data using the simulate_data() function: simulate_data()
# Generate sample data
# Calculate Renkonen similarity
df <- simulate_data(5, 9)
S <- renkonen(df)
# Calculate Renkonen similarity with bootstrap
df <- simulate_data()
S <- renkonen(df, boot = 1000)
Visualize Renkonen similarity as a UPGMA dendrogram:
# Plot UPGMA dendrogram
df <- simulate_data()
S <- renkonen(df, boot = 1000)
trees <- upgma(S)
Compute a consensus dendrogram for saving as Newick format or using in other software:
# Compute consensus dendrogram
df <- simulate_data()
S <- renkonen(df, boot = 1000)
trees <- upgma(S)
tree_consensus <- tree_consensus(trees, type = "mcc")
can handle some glm and lm models to generate 2D surface plots:
m <- glm(mpg ~ wt + hp, data=mtcars, family = "gaussian")
ggsurface(m, x.var = "wt", y.var = "hp",
legend.title = "milles per galon", high.col = "darkred",
round.legend = 0)
For assistance or inquiries, please reach out to: Wilson Frantine-Silva wilsonfrantine@gmail.com
Enjoy using R4eco to enhance your ecological analyses!