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Wilmix jemin j edited this page Apr 26, 2017 · 3 revisions

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JSWORD is a Most Advanced Technology in JWEB(JDOLLAR) Technologies which is advanced business and invented by wilmix jemin j

JSWORD with WEB5.0

JSWORD is a Most Advanced Technology in JWEB(JDOLLAR) Technologies...

So it is ranked as Rank Z'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

(infinitive pow infinitive pow infinitive and so on....)

(Can't be determined)

JSWORD is the MostAdvancedTechnology with AdvancedBusiness invented in JWEB(JDOLLAR) technology

by wilmix jemin j.


<! JSWORD of MostAdvancedBusiness Logic!>


WEB5.0 is focused only on C/C++ and DOTNET technology.

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