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Simple Docker Compose NAS featuring Sonarr, Radarr, Prowlarr, Jellyfin, qBittorrent, PIA VPN and Caddy with SSL support. Forked from

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Docker Compose NAS

NOTE: This is a fork; please see the original docker-compose-nas project repo here.

This is a simple Docker compose project used to create a media server on your home network.

Differences between the original project and this fork:

  • This project uses Caddy as a reverse proxy (instead of Traefik)
  • Pihole is installed by default (for ad-blocking & local DNS record management)
    • Note: If you do not want to use Pihole, simply remove pihole from the COMPOSE_PROFILES list within the .env file.
  • This fork sets all *arr apps to use the VPN connection by default
  • Readarr has been added as an optional *arr app.
  • Minor homepage changes (set a background image, added a Pihole widget, & set widget units to imperial)

Requirements: Any Docker-capable recent Linux distro with Docker Engine and Docker Compose V2.

Docker-Compose NAS Homepage

Table of Contents


Application Description Image SUBDOMAIN
Pihole A DNS sinkhole that protects your devices from unwanted content. (Adblocker & DNS server for your LAN.) pihole/pihole pihole.
Sonarr PVR for newsgroup and bittorrent users linuxserver/sonarr sonarr.
Radarr Movie collection manager for Usenet and BitTorrent users linuxserver/radarr radarr.
Bazarr Companion application to Sonarr and Radarr that manages and downloads subtitles linuxserver/bazarr bazarr.
Prowlarr Indexer aggregator for Sonarr and Radarr linuxserver/prowlarr:latest prowlarr.
PIA WireGuard VPN Encapsulate qBittorrent traffic in PIA using WireGuard with port forwarding. thrnz/docker-wireguard-pia
qBittorrent Bittorrent client with a complete web UI
Uses VPN network
Using Libtorrent 1.x
linuxserver/qbittorrent:libtorrentv1 qbittorrent.
Unpackerr Automated Archive Extractions golift/unpackerr
Jellyfin Media server designed to organize, manage, and share digital media files to networked devices jellyfin/jellyfin jellyfin.
Jellyseer Manages requests for your media library fallenbagel/jellyseerr jellyseer.
Homepage Application dashboard gethomepage/homepage home.
Caddy Reverse proxy slothcroissant/caddy-cloudflaredns
Watchtower Automated Docker images update containrrr/watchtower
Autoheal Monitor and restart unhealthy Docker containers willfarrell/autoheal
Lidarr Music collection manager for Usenet and BitTorrent users
linuxserver/lidarr lidarr.
Readarr ebook collection manager for Usenet and BitTorrent users
linuxserver/readarr readarr.
FlareSolverr Proxy server to bypass Cloudflare protection in Prowlarr

Quick Start

πŸ’‘Note: This quick start guide assumes the following:

First, clone this project onto your server using git clone

From the directory that you cloned the project into, copy the .env template file using cp .env.example .env, and set the variable values. See the Environment Variables table below for more information.

Next, if your host is running Ubuntu or Fedora, run sudo bash This alters the default DNS resolver settings for compatibility with Pihole and copies custom.list.template to custom.list (within the etc-pihole directory). Then, run sudo docker compose up -d to start the media server containers.

πŸ’‘Note: By default, Docker is only accessible with root privileges. If you want to use Docker as a regular user, you need to add your user to the 'docker' group.

After running docker compose up -d for the first time, run sudo bash This script handles the following steps:

  • Updates the applications' base URLs and sets the API keys in .env.
  • Sets the domain, LAN IP and TAILSCALE IP in etc-pihole/custom.list (creating your local DNS records in Pihole).
  • Sets the qBittorrent admin credentials (username: admin; password: adminadmin)
  • Creates Caddyfile (from the template example_Caddyfile) within the container-config directory. Also swaps in the $CLOUDFLARE_EMAIL variable within Caddyfile.
  • Restarts the entire docker compose stack at the end of the script.

⚠️ Note: The first startup may take several minutes to complete. Be patient.

Homepage Widgets

The script inserts the API key values for the *Arr apps in the .env file automatically. Unfortunately, this script does not set the API key variables for Jellyfin, Jellyseerr, or Pihole in the .env file. If you want the homepage widgets for these apps to display information for these apps, you will need to add their API keys to the .env file manually.

Steps for getting the API keys for these apps are listed below:

  • Jellyfin: Click the hamburger menu in the upper left corner, then click "Dashboard". Next, scroll down on the left sidebar and click "API Keys" (in the "Advanced" section.) Press the + icon to generate a new API Key, then copy and paste this API Key value in the .env file for JELLYFIN_API_KEY.
  • Pihole: Sign-in to the Pihole admin dashboard (make sure to set an admin password for Pihole in the .env file), then click "Settings" from the left sidebar. Next, click the "API" tab. On the API tab, click the "Show API token" button. Then click "Yes, show API token", and copy the value listed below "Raw API Token". Paste this API Key value in the .env file for PIHOLE_API_KEY.
  • Jellyseerr: After completing the Jellyseerr initial config (scroll to Jellyseer for config steps), click the "Settings" button on the left sidebar. The API Key will appear on the "General" tab. Copy the API Key value and paste it in the .env file for JELLYSEERR_API_KEY.

Environment Variables

Variable Description Default
CLOUDFLARE_API_TOKEN Cloudflare API token with Edit zone DNS permissions
CLOUDFLARE_EMAIL Email address used for your Cloudflare account
USER_ID ID of the user to use in Docker containers 1000
GROUP_ID ID of the user group to use in Docker containers 1000
TIMEZONE TimeZone used by the container. America/Chicago
CONFIG_ROOT Host location for configuration files .
DATA_ROOT Host location of the data files /mnt/data
DOWNLOAD_ROOT Host download location for qBittorrent, should be a subfolder of DATA_ROOT /mnt/data/torrents
DOMAIN Domain name for the media server/NAS
JELLYFIN_URL Subdomain for Jellyfin https://jellyfin.${DOMAIN}
JELLYFIN_API_KEY Jellyfin API key to show information in the homepage
PIHOLE_URL Subdomain for Pihole https://pihole.${DOMAIN}
PIHOLE_API_KEY Pihole API key to show information in the homepage
PIHOLE_ADMIN_PASSWORD Pihole admin password to access the web UI superSecretPassword
SONARR_URL Subdomain for Sonarr https://sonarr.${DOMAIN}
SONARR_API_KEY Sonarr API key to show information in the homepage
RADARR_URL Subdomain for Radarr https://radarr.${DOMAIN}
RADARR_API_KEY Radarr API key to show information in the homepage
LIDARR_URL Subdomain for Lidarr https://lidarr.${DOMAIN}
LIDARR_API_KEY Lidarr API key to show information in the homepage
READARR_URL Subdomain for Readarr https://readarr.${DOMAIN}
READARR_API_KEY Readarr API key to show information in the homepage
PROWLARR_URL Subdomain for Prowlarr https://prowlarr.${DOMAIN}
PROWLARR_API_KEY Prowlarr API key to show information in the homepage
BAZARR_URL Subdomain for Bazarr https://bazarr.${DOMAIN}
BAZARR_API_KEY Bazarr API key to show information in the homepage
JELLYSEERR_URL Subdomain for Jellyseerr https://jellyseerr.${DOMAIN}
JELLYSEERR_API_KEY Jellyseer API key to show information in the homepage
QBITTORRENT_URL Subdomain for qBittorrent https://qbittorrent.${DOMAIN}
QBITTORRENT_USERNAME qBittorrent username to access the web UI admin
QBITTORRENT_PASSWORD qBittorrent password to access the web UI adminadmin
PIA_LOCATION Servers to use for PIA. see list here us_atlanta
PIA_USER PIA username
PIA_PASS PIA password
HOMEPAGE_ALLOWED_HOSTS Subdomain for home dashboard. (Required env variable in β‰₯v1.0.0 of homepage) home.${DOMAIN}
HOMEPAGE_VAR_TITLE Title of the homepage Home
HOMEPAGE_VAR_SEARCH_PROVIDER Homepage search provider, see list here google
HOMEPAGE_VAR_HEADER_STYLE Homepage header style, see list here boxed
HOMEPAGE_VAR_WEATHER_CITY Homepage weather city name Waco
HOMEPAGE_VAR_WEATHER_LAT Homepage weather city latitude 31.559814
HOMEPAGE_VAR_WEATHER_LONG Homepage weather city longitude -97.141800
HOMEPAGE_VAR_WEATHER_UNIT Homepage weather unit, either metric or imperial imperial
TAILSCALE_IP The Tailscale IP address for your server
LAN_IP The static LAN IP address for your server
ROUTER_IP Your router/gateway IP address
LAN_CIDR Your LAN's subnet range
UPSTREAM_DNS Upstream DNS servers for Pihole (Defaults are Cloudflare & OpenDNS);;;
WEBHOOK_URL Webhook URL for notifications when your containers are forced to restart by autoheal (ex.

PIA WireGuard VPN

Private Interet Access was chosen as the default VPN for this project because it supports WireGuard and port forwarding.

Before starting the containers, update the .env file with your PIA credentials.

By default, the VPN server location is set to us_atlanta. You can change this to another location within the .env file.

See the full list of PIA VPN locations here:

(Note: "id" values in the PIA VPN location list correspond to the .env file's PIA_LOCATION value.)

*You must set the credentials in the PIA_* environment variables, otherwise the VPN container will exit, and qBittorrent and the Arr apps will not start.

Sonarr, Radarr, Lidarr & Readarr

File Structure

Sonarr, Radarr, Lidarr and Readarr must be configured to support hardlinks. This allows file transfers from the torrent downloads folder to the media storage folder, preventing file duplication and excess storage consumption. This is achieved by using a single volume shared by the qBittorrent client and the *arr apps.

Subfolders are used to separate your TV shows, movies, and music files.

This folder configuration is explained in detail by this guide.

The structure of the shared volume is shown below:

β”œβ”€β”€ torrents = shared folder qBittorrent downloads
β”‚  β”œβ”€β”€ movies = movies downloads tagged by Radarr
β”‚  └── tv = movies downloads tagged by Sonarr
└── media = shared folder for Sonarr and Radarr files
   β”œβ”€β”€ movies = Radarr
   └── tv = Sonarr
   └── music = Lidarr
   └── books = Readarr

After updating your storage volume with this folder structure, follow the below steps to add the appropriate directory to each *Arr app.

Within the *Arr app, go to Settings > Management.

  • In Sonarr, set the Root folder to /data/media/tv.
  • In Radarr, set the Root folder to /data/media/movies.
  • In Lidarr, set the Root folder to /data/media/music.
  • In Readarr, set the Root folder to /data/media/books.

Download Client

Add qBittorrent as a download client by clicking Settings > Download Clients. Set the host for qBittorrent to localhost and the port to 8080. Input the username and password you set for qBittorrent, then click the Test button to confirm the connection is functioning properly. If you do not see any errors, click Save.

πŸ’‘Note: You will need to repeat this process for all of the *arr apps (Prowlarr, Sonarr, Radarr, Lidarr, and Readarr).


Readarr is an optional *arr app in this configuration. If you would like to add Readarr to your media stack, simply add readarr to the COMPOSE_PROFILES list in your .env file. (Ex. COMPOSE_PROFILES=pihole,readarr)


Indexers for all of the *arr apps are configured and managed through Prowlarr. Indexers added to Prowlarr synchronize automatically to the other *arr apps, providing a one-stop location for indexer management.

To sync indexers to Radarr, Sonarr, Lidarr, and Readarr, you must first add them as apps in Prowlarr. From Prowlarr, click Settings > Apps. Then click the respective *arr app.

*Arr App Server URL
Prowlarr http://localhost:9696/prowlarr
Radarr http://localhost:7878/radarr
Sonarr http://localhost:8989/sonarr
Lidarr http://localhost:8686/lidarr
Readarr http://localhost:8787/readarr

API keys for each individual *arr app can be found within Settings > Security > API Key (from the respective *arr app's web portal; ex. to get the API key for Sonarr, go to sonarr., then click Settings > Security > API Key). Alternatively, you can find the API keys for the *arr apps with your .env file (assuming you ran the script).

See example screenshot below showing how Radarr is configured as an app within Prowlarr: Prowlarr-Radarr App Config


Running will set qBittorrent's username to admin and password to adminadmin.

⚠️Note: will set the above credentials for qBittorrent regardless of the values you have set for QBITTORRENT_USERNAME and QBITTORRENT_PASSWORD in the .env file. Subsequent runs of will reset the credentials to username: admin, password: adminadmin. This is useful if you forget your qBittorrent Web UI credentials.

Use these credentials to access qBittorrent's Web UI, then go to Settings > Web UI and set your own username and password.

After setting your own username and password for qBittorrent, update the credentials in the .env file for QBITTORRENT_USERNAME and QBITTORRENT_PASSWORD.

If you want to set the qBittorrent password without using the script, since qBittorrent v4.6.2, a temporary password is generated on startup. Get it with docker compose logs qbittorrent:

The WebUI administrator username is: admin
The WebUI administrator password was not set. A temporary password is provided for this session: <some_password>

The login page can be disabled on for the local network in by enabling Bypass authentication for clients.

Set the default save path to /data/torrents in Settings, and restrict the network interface to WireGuard (wg0). Make sure to restrict the network interface to WireGuard! Otherwise, your IP address may be exposed when torrenting.

IP Leak Check

To confirm that the VPN setup is not leaking your personal IP address when torrenting, you can use Scroll to "Torrent Address Detection", click "Activate", then copy the Magnet link.

Next, add the Magnet link to qBittorrent. From qBittorrent, click the "Add Torrent Link" button in the upper left corner, then paste the link in the download from URLs or Magnet links field, then scroll down and click the Download button.

Adding Magnet Link to qBittorrent

Within ~10 seconds, will show the IP address used by qBittorrent. If everything is setup properly, your personal IP address should not be exposed.

After completing the test, right-click the download in qBittorrent, then click remove to delete it.

VueTorrent WebUI

To use the VueTorrent WebUI, go to qBittorrent, Options, Web UI, Use Alternative WebUI, and enter /vuetorrent. Special thanks to gabe565 for the easy enablement with (


To enable hardware transcoding, depending on your system, you may need to add the following block:

  - /dev/dri/renderD128:/dev/dri/renderD128
  - /dev/dri/card0:/dev/dri/card0

Generally, running Docker on Linux you will want to use VA-API, but the exact mount paths may differ depending on your hardware.


The homepage comes with sensible defaults; some settings can ben controlled via environment variables in .env.

If you to customize further, you can modify the files in /homepage/*.yaml according to the documentation. Due to how the Docker socket is configured for the Docker integration, files must be edited as root.

The files in /homepage/tpl/*.yaml only serve as a base to set up the homepage configuration on first run.


Jellyseer gives you content recommendations, allows others to make requests to you, and allows logging in with Jellyfin credentials.

To setup, go to https://jellyseer./setup, and set the URLs as follows:


In Prowlarr, add the FlareSolverr indexer with the URL

Caddy and SSL Certificates

While you can use a private IP to access your server, how cool would it be for it to be accessible through a subdomain with a valid SSL certificate?

Caddy makes this easy by using Let's Encrypt and a supported ACME challenge provider. For simplicity, this project uses Cloudflare.

Set the CloudFlare .env values, and make sure your Cloudflare account email address is set within the base Caddyfile.

Accessing from the outside with Tailscale

If you want to access your media server when you're away from home (without opening ports or exposing your server to the internet), Tailscale is a great solution. Simply create a Tailnet, install the client on both the server and your other devices, and they will then be able to connect to one another.

After installing Tailscale on your server, update the .env file with your server's TAILSCALE_IP address.

See here for installation instructions.

Expose DNS Server with Tailscale

Tailscale's documentation provides instructions for using your Pihole server when you're away from your LAN.

Use Separate Paths for Torrents and Storage

If you want to use separate paths for torrents download and long term storage, to use different disks for example, set your docker-compose.override.yml to:

      - ./sonarr:/config
      - ${DATA_ROOT}/media/tv:/data/media/tv
      - ${DOWNLOAD_ROOT}/tv:/data/torrents/tv
      - ./radarr:/config
      - ${DATA_ROOT}/media/movies:/data/media/movies
      - ${DOWNLOAD_ROOT}/movies:/data/torrents/movies

πŸ’‘Note: You will no longer be able to use hardlinks with this configuration, so your files will be duplicated between the torrent and media storage locations.

In Sonarr and Radarr, go to Settings > Importing > Untick Use Hardlinks instead of Copy


Simple Docker Compose NAS featuring Sonarr, Radarr, Prowlarr, Jellyfin, qBittorrent, PIA VPN and Caddy with SSL support. Forked from







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